Monday, March 3, 2014

Back To Fitness

I hope you have some idea by now on an exercise routine. Remember to shake things up every two or three months by changing a couple or most of your routine exercises.

An overlooked and neglected but important exercise routine should focus on Core-Strengthening. This is a must as you get older because it can strengthen muscles in the core which can result in better flexibility. My favorite core exercise involves the use of kettlebells.

Women's training style can be the same as men's without becoming as muscular as a man. There are after all myths about women and strength training. There are good reasons why women should lift weights. Like any exercise routine, we each must find what works for our individual need.

So what is the king of all exercises? The Deadlift may very well be the best exercise for the overall body. The key is to do it right!

I would spend a half-hour in the gym at the most. Now I have upped it to 45 minutes to an hour. The reason is that I am doing my sets and routines slower and maybe I'm onto something. There still are effective 15-minute workouts. It would be a 5-minute workout for me in the earlier days!

We should learn the basic difference between exercise and physical activity. Each one contributes to one's overall physical fitness.

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