Sunday, November 23, 2014

Health Journal 14

For every hour you sit, get up and move for 5 minutes. That should be a new rule of thumb to reverse arterial damage, just for starters. Problems from sitting for long periods can affect other parts of the body. Consider the toll from sitting on your lower back. I just went and got my mail and walked up 15 flights of stairs and I still go workout regularly.

In case you haven't noticed, or are in complete denial, the Holidays are at our door...again! It's a time to indulge, live unhealthy, gain weight, and try to reconcile with the culminating New Year's resolution to get healthy again. There really is nothing wrong with overindulging as long as it doesn't interfere with putting in your 'healthy' time. Start by watching your portion control. Next continue to exercise. Tips can be found here and here.

While I'm at it, I would like to draw your attention on TOO MUCH of a good thing when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes too much healthy can have an opposite affect. Although I try to live as healthy as possible, my true success comes from occasionally crossing over to the unhealthy lifestyle. The key is to always return to a healthy routine IMMEDIATELY! I'll have the occasionally ice cream or cake, but next day I'll hit the gym and eat healthier.

Nutrition and activity play a part in preventing cancer. Speaking of nutrition, I have increased the days that I go meatless. My record is 7 days straight without meat.

How to maximize your grocery budget while still eating healthy sounds like a needed plan!