Sunday, July 20, 2014

Health Journal 13

Health, wellness, long life, etc., are a few topics that will show up in this month's journal.  Like with anything else in life, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you apply, the better your health. I figure that if I write thousands of entries, and one sentence changes a life, then my mission is accomplished!

Your health and wellness questions and concerns can be answered at WebMD's Healthy Living A-Z. Find out what ails you or how to improve your health with the variety of topics. As with anything else that has to do with health, always consult your health care provider.

WebMD has the secrets to a long life. All I have to say is that although most of them are a way of life for me, I do fall short in some areas. I'll take a healthy life for as long as I live!

Some of the best health topics can be found on PBS. I particularly liked the summer treats for my generation.

`Should you avoid the Dirty Dozen that aren't organic? Should you substitute them for the Clean 15, thus missing out on potential benefits? Not so fast, because it's safe to eat the conventional Dirty Dozen!

Healthy, unhealthy, healthy, seems that a food that has been on both sides of the debate is now deemed healthy. New research sheds new life on coconut oil.

I'm starting to spend less time at the gym, because I am doing a routine of exercises that give me the maximum benefits. I'm what has now been defined as a minimalist.

Even if you don't buy organic, eating healthy can be expensive due to waste. Most foods spoil within days and the cost can be overwhelming. Now there are ways to keep the food from going bad too soon.

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