It's that time again. Out with the old and in with the new. Time to start anew. What is it this year? Join a gym? Eat healthier? Quit smoking? Live a healthier lifestyle? No matter what you are planning to resolve, the key is to do it when you are ready, not when you are expected.
To be successful at anything it is best not to announce the what and the when with others. If you tell acquaintances your intentions it may backfire because they will gloat not if, but when you fail.
To be successful with your resolutions you must understand that dates are just dates. Resolve your resolutions when you are ready not when you set a date. Dates are meaningless when it comes to success. I quit smoking in February. Started going religiously to the gym in June. So when it comes to setting a date to accomplish your goals, keep it to yourself and don't quit if at first you don't succeed.
Starting and sticking to those resolutions involves commitment.
Happy New Year
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Health Tips and More to Help a Healthy Lifestyle
I'm sure that after the holidays people will start to become healthier again. If you are still living healthy regardless of temptations and less exercise, more power to you. You can never get enough health tips and tricks, especially when you learn something new.
Since we are in winter, it is time to bust those health myths that most of us have come to believe. I knew about cold weather not making you sick, but I was stumped by the lack of sunshine causing depression. Others came as a surprise, and some I knew for years.
Here are some simple health tips for what ails you or can make you healthier. Here are some strange but true health tips. Dr. Oz chimes in. Although it is a strange claim, here are the best health tips EVER!
Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand for health and well being. Nothing like knowing what to eat when you exercise. Protein should be taken within 30 minutes after exercising.
Since we are in winter, it is time to bust those health myths that most of us have come to believe. I knew about cold weather not making you sick, but I was stumped by the lack of sunshine causing depression. Others came as a surprise, and some I knew for years.
Here are some simple health tips for what ails you or can make you healthier. Here are some strange but true health tips. Dr. Oz chimes in. Although it is a strange claim, here are the best health tips EVER!
Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand for health and well being. Nothing like knowing what to eat when you exercise. Protein should be taken within 30 minutes after exercising.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Health Journal 6
It's the Holiday Season and many of us are going to indulge and/or over-indulge in the splurge of the festivities. Stress is a given, and diets and exercise are put on hold. It is during this period that some reach the point of no return as they gain weight and become lethargic and unmotivated. Indulging in the festivities doesn't have to be a lost battle, if done right!
A big destroyer is alcohol consumption. We all know that alcohol will be consumed, but do yourself a favor and drink a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages and never consume alcohol on an empty stomach.
Stress can be overwhelming during this time, so here are ways to de-stress. You can also find tips here.
Make it a point to incorporate any activity that will help burn the most calories. Try to incorporate a fitness plan in between your daily routines. Yes, there are ways to stay fit during the holidays. An important part of staying fit during this period is to avoid excuses!
Nutrition is just as important as exercise and it pays to know how to time meals and exercise for the most benefits. Another way to benefit from exercises is to do them correctly.
Although it is impossible to avoid foods during this time, limiting or eliminating refined foods and processed meats. Get to also know the 49 worst foods for your diet. Then again it may be easier to learn the art of healthy holiday eating!
A big destroyer is alcohol consumption. We all know that alcohol will be consumed, but do yourself a favor and drink a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages and never consume alcohol on an empty stomach.
Stress can be overwhelming during this time, so here are ways to de-stress. You can also find tips here.
Make it a point to incorporate any activity that will help burn the most calories. Try to incorporate a fitness plan in between your daily routines. Yes, there are ways to stay fit during the holidays. An important part of staying fit during this period is to avoid excuses!
Nutrition is just as important as exercise and it pays to know how to time meals and exercise for the most benefits. Another way to benefit from exercises is to do them correctly.
Although it is impossible to avoid foods during this time, limiting or eliminating refined foods and processed meats. Get to also know the 49 worst foods for your diet. Then again it may be easier to learn the art of healthy holiday eating!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Alcoholic Benefits
I feel that I should start by saying that every time we talk about the benefits of alcohol, we need to point out that moderation is the key. If you were to consider alcohol a medicine, you can understand why too much can be harmful. If the benefit is one or two drinks a day, four won't be beneficial to us. Skipping a day or two does not mean you can drink more to make up for lost time. Much like taking medications, this can be dangerous.
Alcohol is good for so many aspects of your health. Cancer, colds, and other illnesses you would never have thought of can be prevented with alcohol. Alcohol also has the benefit of improving your sex life.
Again, alcohol is like a prescribed medicine. Too much can kill the benefit and may also lead to an overdose.
Alcohol is good for so many aspects of your health. Cancer, colds, and other illnesses you would never have thought of can be prevented with alcohol. Alcohol also has the benefit of improving your sex life.
Again, alcohol is like a prescribed medicine. Too much can kill the benefit and may also lead to an overdose.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Thus It Begins
We are now entering the holiday season where a healthy lifestyle is put to its greatest challenge. It is the time when we over-indulge and under-exercise!
There are ways to have a guilt-free holiday. I won't fill my plate and I won't go up for seconds. I'll continue to eat as healthy as I can on days that aren't holidays. I'll avoid many of the office parties.
Most importantly, I'll continue to keep my gym routine and perhaps do a few more exercises.
Happy Thanksgiving.
There are ways to have a guilt-free holiday. I won't fill my plate and I won't go up for seconds. I'll continue to eat as healthy as I can on days that aren't holidays. I'll avoid many of the office parties.
Most importantly, I'll continue to keep my gym routine and perhaps do a few more exercises.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Great Health Site
I can guarantee that you are going to love Health Tap. It's a new site with apps for smart phones and androids that puts over 50,000 doctors at your disposal to answer any question about your health. From prescriptions to symptoms to other concerns about your health, you can ask a doctor directly and get an answer.
They even show how many lives have been saved by Health Tap.
They even show how many lives have been saved by Health Tap.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Energy Exercise Metabolism and More
There are so many factors associated with exercise, we can only touch on a few of them at a time. Sometimes it's tough to reach goals because we lack energy, have a hard time with certain muscles, or even end up with sore muscles to name a few.
If you need to shape and tone trouble parts, you can start here for certain muscle groups. Arms, legs and abs can always use an extra bit of attention.
A low metabolism can stop your weight-loss and other exercise program. Here are ways to help you boost your metabolism and increase energy.
Sore muscles go with the territory when it comes to exercising. Stretching before and after can help as can flax oil and Omega 3s. When it comes to injuries, it's not if but when they will occur when it comes to exercise. You may as well prepare yourself.
So little time and so many exercises for a variety muscles. Now you can name your target and your time available, and let this app set up a workout for the target part and time available.
Never underestimate the power of walking when it comes to your overall health. An hour walk or 10000 steps a day will help meet any health goal. There still are easy exercises you can do that don't require a gym.
If you need to shape and tone trouble parts, you can start here for certain muscle groups. Arms, legs and abs can always use an extra bit of attention.
A low metabolism can stop your weight-loss and other exercise program. Here are ways to help you boost your metabolism and increase energy.
Sore muscles go with the territory when it comes to exercising. Stretching before and after can help as can flax oil and Omega 3s. When it comes to injuries, it's not if but when they will occur when it comes to exercise. You may as well prepare yourself.
So little time and so many exercises for a variety muscles. Now you can name your target and your time available, and let this app set up a workout for the target part and time available.
Never underestimate the power of walking when it comes to your overall health. An hour walk or 10000 steps a day will help meet any health goal. There still are easy exercises you can do that don't require a gym.
Monday, November 11, 2013
'Tis The Season
It's the cold and flu season!
That time of year when our health gets tested to the extreme as we are subjected to the germs that abound at this time of year. It doesn't help that people infected will still venture out to share their germs. Our best defense is actually preparing ourselves by preparing a healthy immune system.
The simplest thing we can do is to wash our hands. We should also eat well and double up on fruits and vegetables and other immune building foods. Our other best defense is to get plenty of sleep. We can follow tips to shorten a cold duration.
A big must is to get a flu shot. Don't be deterred by the myths about the flu vaccine.
An important immune booster is to stay home if you are sick. My biggest pet peeve are those who go workout at the gym while they hack and cough. Some people can't grasp the concept that you aren't going to get better unless you take care of yourself.
That time of year when our health gets tested to the extreme as we are subjected to the germs that abound at this time of year. It doesn't help that people infected will still venture out to share their germs. Our best defense is actually preparing ourselves by preparing a healthy immune system.
The simplest thing we can do is to wash our hands. We should also eat well and double up on fruits and vegetables and other immune building foods. Our other best defense is to get plenty of sleep. We can follow tips to shorten a cold duration.
A big must is to get a flu shot. Don't be deterred by the myths about the flu vaccine.
An important immune booster is to stay home if you are sick. My biggest pet peeve are those who go workout at the gym while they hack and cough. Some people can't grasp the concept that you aren't going to get better unless you take care of yourself.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Health Journal 5
Obesity is now the No. 1 cause of death in the US. Although we are seeing a slight decline among preschoolers, obesity may still reach epidemic proportions. Obesity, much like smoking, leads to other health problems which can range from diabetes to cancer.
I find it shocking that there are those who are shocked that heart-attack and stroke victims don't change their habits. I've seen many that continue to smoke while hooked up to oxygen. It has also been found that sugar may be a major factor for heart disease and strokes.
The debate over which is the healthier water, bottled or tap, continues. The result is that health wise they are equal. Bottled water uses plastic bottles and costs money. Tap water can taste better with a filter, but is otherwise practically free. Speaking of beverages, get to know your best bets.
My time at the gym is well spent these days. Of course, I may have to change a few routines since they are a complete waste of time. While I'm at it, I'm also going to start working on the exercise myths I have adhered to all this time.
Sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle. We should get at least 7 hours a night to be in optimal health. Here are sleep tips for seniors that can benefit us all. Sleep health is an important factor to leading a healthy lifestyle. Find more about sleep, sleep remedies and problems here, here, here, and here. See if you're getting enough quality sleep by taking this quiz.
Nutrition labels should be to help the consumer, but are still a confusion of loopholes that benefit the manufacturer. I will continue to give the heads-up any time I receive new information such as this on the deceptive labels.
I find it shocking that there are those who are shocked that heart-attack and stroke victims don't change their habits. I've seen many that continue to smoke while hooked up to oxygen. It has also been found that sugar may be a major factor for heart disease and strokes.
The debate over which is the healthier water, bottled or tap, continues. The result is that health wise they are equal. Bottled water uses plastic bottles and costs money. Tap water can taste better with a filter, but is otherwise practically free. Speaking of beverages, get to know your best bets.
My time at the gym is well spent these days. Of course, I may have to change a few routines since they are a complete waste of time. While I'm at it, I'm also going to start working on the exercise myths I have adhered to all this time.
Sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle. We should get at least 7 hours a night to be in optimal health. Here are sleep tips for seniors that can benefit us all. Sleep health is an important factor to leading a healthy lifestyle. Find more about sleep, sleep remedies and problems here, here, here, and here. See if you're getting enough quality sleep by taking this quiz.
Nutrition labels should be to help the consumer, but are still a confusion of loopholes that benefit the manufacturer. I will continue to give the heads-up any time I receive new information such as this on the deceptive labels.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A Word About Produce
Produce is perhaps where most of our healthy nutrition comes from. Their colors are mirrors into what health benefits they provide. You may understand the produce's benefit but it is also helpful to know if these benefits are better raw or cooked. Knowing how to get the most benefit from produce is always helpful.
When it comes to produce, it is a good idea to know your healthy greens and whether to go organic or not. Not to mention the foods you should buy organic. If you're on a low-carb diet, there are vegetables and fruits for that.
Vegetables, fruits and other produce is what you should be eating more of. Fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses. Much more needs to be said about produce nutrition since the benefits are too numerous to count.
When it comes to produce, it is a good idea to know your healthy greens and whether to go organic or not. Not to mention the foods you should buy organic. If you're on a low-carb diet, there are vegetables and fruits for that.
Vegetables, fruits and other produce is what you should be eating more of. Fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses. Much more needs to be said about produce nutrition since the benefits are too numerous to count.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Nutrition and Weight Management
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, body maintenance comes from nutrition and exercise. As far as nutrition goes, we should keep track of our portion control. Without watching our portions we may risk overeating and gaining weight. Here are ways to manage your weight both through nutrition and other easy methods.
When it comes to maintaining your weight, we all dread the plateau. Along with what was suggested, there are foods that may help.
Protein is the main nutrient to building and maintaining our bodies. Too much protein can lead to kidney failure. Get to know how much protein is too much. I suggest a bit more protein intake on days you workout. You can indulge in a protein pizza!
Something that should be cut to a bare minimum in our nutrition is salt. Environmental Nutrition gives the following ways to cut your salt intake:
1. Cook at home more often.
2. Focus on whole, minimally processed foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, chicken, legumes and dairy products.
3. Don't automatically add salt, even in recipes that call for it.
4. Flavor foods with herbs and spices.
5. Enhance flavors with garlic, lemon and vinegar -- ingredients that allow the natural flavors of foods to shine without added salt.
6. Watch out for condiments. Soy sauce, mustard and barbecue sauce can push up the salt totals.
7. Keep portion sizes in check.
8. Compare product sodium levels by reading the labels. Different brands can have much different amounts of salt. If a product contains 5 percent Daily Value or less for sodium, it's considered a low sodium food, 20 percent DV or higher means it's a high sodium food.
Another aspect of nutrition that was mentioned elsewhere is understanding the importance of calories, to say the least. Here are food choices that are filling.
The topic of nutrition and weight will come up again in the future.
When it comes to maintaining your weight, we all dread the plateau. Along with what was suggested, there are foods that may help.
Protein is the main nutrient to building and maintaining our bodies. Too much protein can lead to kidney failure. Get to know how much protein is too much. I suggest a bit more protein intake on days you workout. You can indulge in a protein pizza!
Something that should be cut to a bare minimum in our nutrition is salt. Environmental Nutrition gives the following ways to cut your salt intake:
1. Cook at home more often.
2. Focus on whole, minimally processed foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, chicken, legumes and dairy products.
3. Don't automatically add salt, even in recipes that call for it.
4. Flavor foods with herbs and spices.
5. Enhance flavors with garlic, lemon and vinegar -- ingredients that allow the natural flavors of foods to shine without added salt.
6. Watch out for condiments. Soy sauce, mustard and barbecue sauce can push up the salt totals.
7. Keep portion sizes in check.
8. Compare product sodium levels by reading the labels. Different brands can have much different amounts of salt. If a product contains 5 percent Daily Value or less for sodium, it's considered a low sodium food, 20 percent DV or higher means it's a high sodium food.
Another aspect of nutrition that was mentioned elsewhere is understanding the importance of calories, to say the least. Here are food choices that are filling.
The topic of nutrition and weight will come up again in the future.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Breast Cancer Update
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are advancing in the fight to eradicate breast and ALL cancers in our lifetime. Science is advancing and many beliefs about breast cancer are becoming folklore and myths. There is new research that all women need to know about breast cancer.
The key to beating cancer is knowledge. Breast cancer is a topic whose time has come. In case most don't know about it, breast cancer also affects men.
The key to beating cancer is knowledge. Breast cancer is a topic whose time has come. In case most don't know about it, breast cancer also affects men.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Fitness and Motivation
When it comes to exercising, I can't say enough. It is a requirement if one is pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Moving helps us maintain our weight and benefits our overall health, particularly the heart. Exercise has other surprising benefits.
Starting an exercise regiment can be a challenge for those unprepared. When you're starting out, begin by finding the right exercise program for you. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help or use a personal trainer. They're free with most gym memberships. You should always remember to warm up before you start exercising.
Keep a journal and keep track of your fitness exercises and routines. This will give you an idea of what works. Make sure you consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. Start slow and don't just jump in, otherwise you might get discouraged.
Exercises don't have to be hard and some are so easy, a couch potato can do them. There are even ways to exercise at work. If you are lacking in motivation, maybe you should consider buddying up!
Interval exercise, where you alternate bursts of intensive effort with more relaxed ones, can benefit your weight, heart and lungs.
Our overall health relies on exercise as being part of the formula. There is no magic formula to avoid this aspect. We should strive to engage in some form of activity each and everyday.
Starting an exercise regiment can be a challenge for those unprepared. When you're starting out, begin by finding the right exercise program for you. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help or use a personal trainer. They're free with most gym memberships. You should always remember to warm up before you start exercising.
Keep a journal and keep track of your fitness exercises and routines. This will give you an idea of what works. Make sure you consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. Start slow and don't just jump in, otherwise you might get discouraged.
Exercises don't have to be hard and some are so easy, a couch potato can do them. There are even ways to exercise at work. If you are lacking in motivation, maybe you should consider buddying up!
Interval exercise, where you alternate bursts of intensive effort with more relaxed ones, can benefit your weight, heart and lungs.
Our overall health relies on exercise as being part of the formula. There is no magic formula to avoid this aspect. We should strive to engage in some form of activity each and everyday.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Health Journal 4
If a fruit is defined as a structure of a plant that contains its seeds, how good are you at naming your fruits? Find out here.
Caffeine is an addiction when we need it for energy and a way to boost us for a wake-up/pick me up. For those of us looking for caffeine alternatives, there are ways to boost your energy with alternative ways.
Refined sugars should be avoided as a whole. High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as bad, but the industry continues to make it out to be a natural source of sucrose, but avoids talking about the problems with HFCS as a name-change is on the horizon.
On your workout regiments, it is important to take into consideration what you eat before and after your workout. Protein is the key, but the intake can surprise you. For me, aside from protein drinks, yogurt is a pre-workout and an egg is a post-workout nutrition. Here are some unusual pre- and post-workout snacks!
More and more, I am considering the power of yoga when it comes to overall health. Eventually, so will you!
Although it is a no-brainer, your best tool in weight loss is your scale.
Gym? What gym? You don't need a gym to work-out.
Caffeine is an addiction when we need it for energy and a way to boost us for a wake-up/pick me up. For those of us looking for caffeine alternatives, there are ways to boost your energy with alternative ways.
Refined sugars should be avoided as a whole. High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as bad, but the industry continues to make it out to be a natural source of sucrose, but avoids talking about the problems with HFCS as a name-change is on the horizon.
On your workout regiments, it is important to take into consideration what you eat before and after your workout. Protein is the key, but the intake can surprise you. For me, aside from protein drinks, yogurt is a pre-workout and an egg is a post-workout nutrition. Here are some unusual pre- and post-workout snacks!
More and more, I am considering the power of yoga when it comes to overall health. Eventually, so will you!
Although it is a no-brainer, your best tool in weight loss is your scale.
Gym? What gym? You don't need a gym to work-out.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
The Paleo Diet
The concept of the Paleolithic diet, or Paleo for short, comes from an idea of going back to our cavemen ancestry diet and nutrition. I see so many problems with this, but lets look at the claims and the pros and cons. My guess is that cavemen ate meat raw that they probably found already dead. I believe they would forage more than hunt.
So lets get an idea of what a Paleo diet consists of. Look at the foods you can and can't eat. It's worth taking a close look at the foods that are banned. I would think that a caveman would consume legumes and grains.
When I looked for the tell tale health sign of life expectancy, I found arguments that cavemen lived to an adult age and others that argued that they did not live past 25. Here is a breakdown that says it depends on what side of the Paleolithic era the caveman was born.
Still there are too many arguments against the diet. So if you are thinking of going on this type of nutrition be aware of the pros and the cons. I personally believe in eating in moderation and sticking to what works for you.
So lets get an idea of what a Paleo diet consists of. Look at the foods you can and can't eat. It's worth taking a close look at the foods that are banned. I would think that a caveman would consume legumes and grains.
When I looked for the tell tale health sign of life expectancy, I found arguments that cavemen lived to an adult age and others that argued that they did not live past 25. Here is a breakdown that says it depends on what side of the Paleolithic era the caveman was born.
Still there are too many arguments against the diet. So if you are thinking of going on this type of nutrition be aware of the pros and the cons. I personally believe in eating in moderation and sticking to what works for you.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Bad Health Addiction
Our biggest addiction that is detrimental to our health is sugar. Refined sugars are the worst and are more addicting than cocaine. Refined sugar along with High Fructose Corn Syrup are leading to obesity, diabetes, and so many other health issues to be discussed in future entries.
Sugar is energy and the right sugars can give sustained and stable energy. The refined sugars spike then drop energy in an unhealthy way. Too much of any sugar can still be unhealthy because they can still have an impact on dental health and sleep.
If only you knew how much sugar you really consumed you might want to really cut down. Good sugar substitutes are maple syrup, stevia, honey, monk fruit, and agave. I'm sure there are others that I may have left out, but when it comes to sweet, much like sour, a happy medium must be established.
Sugar is energy and the right sugars can give sustained and stable energy. The refined sugars spike then drop energy in an unhealthy way. Too much of any sugar can still be unhealthy because they can still have an impact on dental health and sleep.
If only you knew how much sugar you really consumed you might want to really cut down. Good sugar substitutes are maple syrup, stevia, honey, monk fruit, and agave. I'm sure there are others that I may have left out, but when it comes to sweet, much like sour, a happy medium must be established.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Yoga and Health
When yoga comes to mind, I think about balance. A balance of the body, a balance of the mind, a balance of emotions, and you get my point!
Yoga balances the emotions by helping you find serenity. Yoga benefits the body by increasing flexibility, strength and posture, to name a few. Here's a place to get started on a yoga endeavor. You can also check this site for further information for both the beginner and advance.
Aside from a healthy balanced diet, yoga can cover the rest of the overall healthy lifestyle. It is a great resource that if mastered, will be highly beneficial in so many aspects of life!
Yoga balances the emotions by helping you find serenity. Yoga benefits the body by increasing flexibility, strength and posture, to name a few. Here's a place to get started on a yoga endeavor. You can also check this site for further information for both the beginner and advance.
Aside from a healthy balanced diet, yoga can cover the rest of the overall healthy lifestyle. It is a great resource that if mastered, will be highly beneficial in so many aspects of life!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Stress and Health
Needless to say that if we can't control our stress and emotions, our overall health will suffer. Our daily lives are loaded with factors that affect our stress and anxiety level. Some are beyond our control. Other factors we can identify and manage.
Unmanaged stress can lead to heart disease and other health problems. This is why we must learn to manage stress as best as we can.
Aside from medications, which I am against, there are natural ways to reduce and control stress and anxiety. Food can play a part. Exercise is another way to reduce stress and other mood problems. A natural supplement that may help with stress and depression is SAMe. I first saw this product on the Dr. Oz Show, and I hear it does help in stressful situations.
Stress is a way of life in today's society. Stressful situations are a norm. The way we manage stressful situations will help or hurt our overall health. While stress has a direct affect on our mood, sleep, immune system, decision making, and so much more, it is also linked to weight gain.
Unmanaged stress can lead to heart disease and other health problems. This is why we must learn to manage stress as best as we can.
Aside from medications, which I am against, there are natural ways to reduce and control stress and anxiety. Food can play a part. Exercise is another way to reduce stress and other mood problems. A natural supplement that may help with stress and depression is SAMe. I first saw this product on the Dr. Oz Show, and I hear it does help in stressful situations.
Stress is a way of life in today's society. Stressful situations are a norm. The way we manage stressful situations will help or hurt our overall health. While stress has a direct affect on our mood, sleep, immune system, decision making, and so much more, it is also linked to weight gain.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Physical Activity and Health
Time to get the message that leading a sedentary life will destroy your overall health. As with nutrition, you must experiment and find the workout that works for you. You must also force yourself to move everyday. From cleaning your house or apartment to getting a gym workout, moving is what maintains your body and keeps it fit.
The magic number when it comes to walking is 10000 as in steps. A pedometer is required. Then again, you can start running. It's never too late to begin an exercise routine. WebMD has great resources and information on fitness.
You can't deny the importance of physical fitness. If it becomes overwhelming you can start at fitness basics.
If you look at fitness and exercise you only have a part of the factors that set the importance for your overall health. People have different goals when it comes to exercise. Some want to lose weight, some are into bodybuilding or power lifting. So the goal may vary from the means used to get their. At some point, most should realize, more than achieving a goal, it has come time to maintain only.
The biggest mistake that the novice falls into is pushing too hard early on. In the 70s when I lived in Europe, we referred to it as SUPER TRAINING. Start slow and proceed with caution, because Rome wasn't built in a day, either! This also applies to those who haven't exercised in awhile. Overtraining Syndrome is real. It can make you stop training or exercising altogether. Wait until I get into my New Years Resolution diatribe that will come around, well, New Years!
How do you motivate people to start Exercising? You have to hit them where they live. Boost mood and improve sex aren't good enough???
Reduce stress with exercise and working late is no longer an excuse.
Always take your doctor's advice when it comes to any health issue.
The magic number when it comes to walking is 10000 as in steps. A pedometer is required. Then again, you can start running. It's never too late to begin an exercise routine. WebMD has great resources and information on fitness.
You can't deny the importance of physical fitness. If it becomes overwhelming you can start at fitness basics.
If you look at fitness and exercise you only have a part of the factors that set the importance for your overall health. People have different goals when it comes to exercise. Some want to lose weight, some are into bodybuilding or power lifting. So the goal may vary from the means used to get their. At some point, most should realize, more than achieving a goal, it has come time to maintain only.
The biggest mistake that the novice falls into is pushing too hard early on. In the 70s when I lived in Europe, we referred to it as SUPER TRAINING. Start slow and proceed with caution, because Rome wasn't built in a day, either! This also applies to those who haven't exercised in awhile. Overtraining Syndrome is real. It can make you stop training or exercising altogether. Wait until I get into my New Years Resolution diatribe that will come around, well, New Years!
How do you motivate people to start Exercising? You have to hit them where they live. Boost mood and improve sex aren't good enough???
Reduce stress with exercise and working late is no longer an excuse.
Always take your doctor's advice when it comes to any health issue.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Nutrition and Health
One of the pillars that sustains a healthy lifestyle is your nutrition. You should get to know what types of foods to avoid as well as those that are deceiving. I have noticed some healthier frozen foods on the market. There are even healthy choices when it comes to packaged foods as a whole!
An important aspect of nutrition is to keep track of your calories. Most people take in more than they think. If you're burning them, you may benefit from extra calories. It seems that there are ways to burn calories in your sleep.
The egg still makes for a great breakfast. Because of my cholesterol, I limit it to 4 eggs a week. Here is more about the egg.
There are ways to eat healthy. There is connection between nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
With all the yogurt hoopla these days, people seek Greek yogurt, which may be a wise choice. Dairy is getting controversial. This argument will go on. I only consume yogurt on a daily basis, and occasionally I indulge in cheese. I have considered cutting back on the yogurt, too, but it hasn't happened yet.
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, the power punch lies in the bright colors. Learn what the benefits of specifics are. Get to know the nutrition facts of vegetables. I love my salads, and I may have already mentioned the best salad greens. The important thing about the salad is to be careful on the dressings you use. I always use extra virgin olive oil and vinegar. I can go on about salads forever!
Get the most from your workout nutrition with these pre- and post workout snacks. When it comes to any nutrition, remember to always keep a journal to achieve your goals.
I've discussed and will continue to talk about the various food pyramids, such as the US's, along with the Mediterranean, Longevity, etc., and every pyramid I can find. How to determine which is right for you? You experiment and determine which, if any, is right for you. I, for example, have days that I consume NO MEAT of any kind. The meats I do consume are chicken, turkey, fish, and occasional bison. My main plate is vegetables. The least for me is dairy.
An important aspect of nutrition is to keep track of your calories. Most people take in more than they think. If you're burning them, you may benefit from extra calories. It seems that there are ways to burn calories in your sleep.
The egg still makes for a great breakfast. Because of my cholesterol, I limit it to 4 eggs a week. Here is more about the egg.
There are ways to eat healthy. There is connection between nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
With all the yogurt hoopla these days, people seek Greek yogurt, which may be a wise choice. Dairy is getting controversial. This argument will go on. I only consume yogurt on a daily basis, and occasionally I indulge in cheese. I have considered cutting back on the yogurt, too, but it hasn't happened yet.
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, the power punch lies in the bright colors. Learn what the benefits of specifics are. Get to know the nutrition facts of vegetables. I love my salads, and I may have already mentioned the best salad greens. The important thing about the salad is to be careful on the dressings you use. I always use extra virgin olive oil and vinegar. I can go on about salads forever!
Get the most from your workout nutrition with these pre- and post workout snacks. When it comes to any nutrition, remember to always keep a journal to achieve your goals.
I've discussed and will continue to talk about the various food pyramids, such as the US's, along with the Mediterranean, Longevity, etc., and every pyramid I can find. How to determine which is right for you? You experiment and determine which, if any, is right for you. I, for example, have days that I consume NO MEAT of any kind. The meats I do consume are chicken, turkey, fish, and occasional bison. My main plate is vegetables. The least for me is dairy.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Self-Heimlich Maneuver
Would you know what to do if you were choking on food and nobody was around? First, dial 911, because the call can be traced. Second, know how to give yourself the Self-Heimlich Maneuver as seen on Dr. Oz.
It's good to know because you never know.
It's good to know because you never know.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Health Journal 3
Real Age offers many health tools and resources and also helps you find your real age. It is the brainchild of Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Healthy salad dressings for weight loss.
Reset your hormones and you might be able to supercharge your hormones and sex life at any age. This comes naturally without medication, if you do it right.
There is a new plate for diabetics to help them with their illness.
Although summer has come to an end, you can still make healthy swaps for better health.
There are many ways to beat loneliness which leads to an array of health issues in itself.
You should consider ways of getting healthier at work.
Find out which weighs more, muscle or fat.
Moving helps reduce your risk for colon cancer. New research in cancer research suggests Mind-Body Therapy will help in fighting cancer.
Healthy salad dressings for weight loss.
Reset your hormones and you might be able to supercharge your hormones and sex life at any age. This comes naturally without medication, if you do it right.
There is a new plate for diabetics to help them with their illness.
Although summer has come to an end, you can still make healthy swaps for better health.
There are many ways to beat loneliness which leads to an array of health issues in itself.
You should consider ways of getting healthier at work.
Find out which weighs more, muscle or fat.
Moving helps reduce your risk for colon cancer. New research in cancer research suggests Mind-Body Therapy will help in fighting cancer.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Effective Ways to Exercise
If you want to only walk for exercise, you might as well make it work for you. Interval walking will help you burn more calories in less time, if done right. The important thing is that it is done everyday.
Another way of getting a beneficial workouts in your daily life is to find motivation and stop looking for the 'easy way'. Take the stairs, park as far from where your going as you can, wash your car by hand...even better, wax it!
No matter what your shape or goals are, embarrassment shouldn't be something that stops you. At the MyFitnessPal forums, someone was worried about not having stylish cloths to wear at the gym. That, especially should be the last thing that stops you from exercising.
Do you know what the most dangerous exercise is? It's the bench press. Here are safe ways to bench without a spotter.
I may have mentioned it before, but you don't need a gym to workout. Even if you're a couch potato!
Another way of getting a beneficial workouts in your daily life is to find motivation and stop looking for the 'easy way'. Take the stairs, park as far from where your going as you can, wash your car by hand...even better, wax it!
No matter what your shape or goals are, embarrassment shouldn't be something that stops you. At the MyFitnessPal forums, someone was worried about not having stylish cloths to wear at the gym. That, especially should be the last thing that stops you from exercising.
Do you know what the most dangerous exercise is? It's the bench press. Here are safe ways to bench without a spotter.
I may have mentioned it before, but you don't need a gym to workout. Even if you're a couch potato!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Money Changes Everything
If you got paid to workout, would you commit to it? How about if you didn't workout, would you pay for procrastinating? Gym Pact wants you to commit to exercise, or pay those who do. It's a typical challenge that makes you put your money where your mouth is.
'nuf sed!
'nuf sed!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Health Site Of The Month
My Fitness Pal is a great site for the health conscious user. You can set your health goals and track your progress. There is a personal food and fitness journal at the site that makes tracking your nourishment and exercise easy. You can set up a personal blog and write about health issues if you prefer.
It has a variety of free apps to help you with exercise tracking and motivation. It also has community forums with members that give advice and answer questions, and you can also help others.
I highly recommend My Fitness Pal to anybody that wants to live a healthy lifestyle and is looking for motivation, tools and resources to obtain their health goals and beyond.
It has a variety of free apps to help you with exercise tracking and motivation. It also has community forums with members that give advice and answer questions, and you can also help others.
I highly recommend My Fitness Pal to anybody that wants to live a healthy lifestyle and is looking for motivation, tools and resources to obtain their health goals and beyond.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Cancer-The Final Frontier
We are on the verge of conquering cancer in our lifetime. Years ago, cancer was a death sentence without hope of recovery. Today, thanks to stem-cell research we are aggressively finding ways to fight cancer and expand our lives. Although we have a long way to go, we are beating cancer through diet, exercise and mental attitude and winning the war.
Fighting cancer is a war. Our battles will last a lifetime in the continuing effort to annihilate the deadliest disease known to man. There are so many cancers that affect the human body, but we are surgically destroying the disease, one cancer at a time. We are finding, researching and building cancer fighting properties within our own bodies.
Years ago we didn't know the specifics of cancers. The causes, the cures, the treatments, etc., were just a prolonging treatment for an incurable disease. In the 60s there was only one cause for cancer-smoking. We never thought of diet and nutrition, or even a sedentary lifestyle as a cause for cancer.
We have come a long way, baby!
Today we know how to fight the battle but we must heed to the warnings. Some still don't listen. The ways to reduce cancer risks are out there, but many don't listen. I see them all the time. The smokers, those who don't exercise and those who eat the wrong foods are a high risk time bomb.
My personal experience has been that people will smoke while undergoing chemotherapy and blame chemo for their death. Really? Accept for heredity and lifestyle, cancer can be controlled or prevented.
It is sad that what we do in our youth will become a mantra to pay the piper in our life at a later age.
Fighting cancer is a war. Our battles will last a lifetime in the continuing effort to annihilate the deadliest disease known to man. There are so many cancers that affect the human body, but we are surgically destroying the disease, one cancer at a time. We are finding, researching and building cancer fighting properties within our own bodies.
Years ago we didn't know the specifics of cancers. The causes, the cures, the treatments, etc., were just a prolonging treatment for an incurable disease. In the 60s there was only one cause for cancer-smoking. We never thought of diet and nutrition, or even a sedentary lifestyle as a cause for cancer.
We have come a long way, baby!
Today we know how to fight the battle but we must heed to the warnings. Some still don't listen. The ways to reduce cancer risks are out there, but many don't listen. I see them all the time. The smokers, those who don't exercise and those who eat the wrong foods are a high risk time bomb.
My personal experience has been that people will smoke while undergoing chemotherapy and blame chemo for their death. Really? Accept for heredity and lifestyle, cancer can be controlled or prevented.
It is sad that what we do in our youth will become a mantra to pay the piper in our life at a later age.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Carbohydrates-The Good and The Bad
When it comes to nutrition, carbohydrates are probably the most misunderstood. Some feel that eliminating all carbs will lead to healthier nutrition. Not true. We require carbs for anything from weight loss to energy to overall nutrition. What we need to do is distinguish between the good carbs that we require and the bad carbs that can have an adverse effect on our overall health.
The good of the carbs is the fiber and the bad of carbohydrates is refined sugar. Not SUGAR, but refined or processed sugar. Learn more about carbohydrates and you'll find their importance to your nutrition.
Fiber is your friend because it tends to 'move' things along in your body. Sugars are great for energy. The bad sugars spike you and drop you while the good sugars give you sustained energy that lasts rather than resulting in a 'crash' where your energy is short-lived.
Of course in today's world you have to take in considerations such as if you are allergic to gluten or are a diabetic, to find the good carbs for you. Diabetics can learn more here.
By learning the good carbs, we can reap the benefits we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The bad carbs can destroy us by making us gain weight and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Bad carbs can be addicting, because bad foods are tasty and make us crave them. That is why we need to educate ourselves on the carbohydrates issue.
I have stated elsewhere that carbs with more fiber than sugars are the best, but then you get into simple vs. complex carbs. Since the more you know the more empowered you will become, here's more.
The good of the carbs is the fiber and the bad of carbohydrates is refined sugar. Not SUGAR, but refined or processed sugar. Learn more about carbohydrates and you'll find their importance to your nutrition.
Fiber is your friend because it tends to 'move' things along in your body. Sugars are great for energy. The bad sugars spike you and drop you while the good sugars give you sustained energy that lasts rather than resulting in a 'crash' where your energy is short-lived.
Of course in today's world you have to take in considerations such as if you are allergic to gluten or are a diabetic, to find the good carbs for you. Diabetics can learn more here.
By learning the good carbs, we can reap the benefits we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The bad carbs can destroy us by making us gain weight and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Bad carbs can be addicting, because bad foods are tasty and make us crave them. That is why we need to educate ourselves on the carbohydrates issue.
I have stated elsewhere that carbs with more fiber than sugars are the best, but then you get into simple vs. complex carbs. Since the more you know the more empowered you will become, here's more.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Killing Fields
In case you missed it, the American Medical Association(AMA) has classified obesity as disease. Although many welcome the news, it still is not without controversy. I believe obesity is more of an epidemic. We all know that smoking will lead to problems in life, but we don't seem to be getting the message when it comes to obesity.
In a new study, loneliness is deadly. Social isolation is deadlier than obesity. Though there are no simple answers, there are things one can do to beat social isolation. Here's more advice.
Basically an unhealthy lifestyle will lead us to our graves. There are too many variables that are the causes of an unhealthy lifestyle, but it has to do with our nutrition, fitness and vices.
In a new study, loneliness is deadly. Social isolation is deadlier than obesity. Though there are no simple answers, there are things one can do to beat social isolation. Here's more advice.
Basically an unhealthy lifestyle will lead us to our graves. There are too many variables that are the causes of an unhealthy lifestyle, but it has to do with our nutrition, fitness and vices.
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Island
A failure to any health regiment comes to those who go at it alone. Aside from the fact that one can fail, there is also the danger of getting hurt. It is to your benefit to be safe and involve others in your fitness quest.
Many tend to go at it alone and not see a doctor regularly. I saw a man who didn't believe in doctors and when it came to his overall health, he went at it alone. He took his supplements, ate healthy, and was at the gym everyday for hours. You might say he was a health nut who was obsessed with exercising. He died in the gym, while exercising. Without a doctor, he wasn't aware of any real underlying health issues.
A danger that doesn't seem to hit home judging by the usage is people using pre-workout supplements containing DMAA. I don't doubt that in most workout and sports competitions where someone dies, a pre-workout supplement containing DMAA was involved.
Of course sometimes you have no choice but to go at it alone. But in any case, be safe!
Many tend to go at it alone and not see a doctor regularly. I saw a man who didn't believe in doctors and when it came to his overall health, he went at it alone. He took his supplements, ate healthy, and was at the gym everyday for hours. You might say he was a health nut who was obsessed with exercising. He died in the gym, while exercising. Without a doctor, he wasn't aware of any real underlying health issues.
A danger that doesn't seem to hit home judging by the usage is people using pre-workout supplements containing DMAA. I don't doubt that in most workout and sports competitions where someone dies, a pre-workout supplement containing DMAA was involved.
Of course sometimes you have no choice but to go at it alone. But in any case, be safe!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The Unhealthy Lifestyle
Some people have suicidal tendencies and don't realize it because it takes a lifetime, rather than an instant planning, to get there. If you aren't maintaining your health or doing everything you can to optimize your health, then you are slowly committing suicide. I can't count how many times people I've known are diagnosed with cancer and continue to smoke until they die. Sad, but true.
My argument is to do everything you can to change your lifestyle NOW while you are still breathing. When I was told that I had cancer, I quit smoking, cold turkey! I was up to 3 PACKS A DAY. I had wanted to quit, but couldn't. I was sick of the morning coughing outbursts and the fact that my tongue felt like it was a rug. The life and death situation was a game changer. I quit and never went back.
As far as my nutrition, I ate junk with the occasional healthy salad. I lived on cold cuts and put 4 teaspoons of sugar in each of my cups of coffee. I'd eat at least a loaf of Italian bread a day, you know, the one from the Italian bakery that isn't found on the Mediterranean Diet.
In a Seinfeld episode, George ponders the question that if everything he did so far is wrong, then the opposite must be right or true. Perhaps I'm not quoting it, but you get the jest of it. That is where you might see what occurred in my life.
The season of State Fairs are in full swing, and you have been literally WARNED! When it comes to the foods, make no mistake, health is far and in between. I've seen or heard of everything from deep-fried pickles to deep-fried ice cream, but face the facts, the foods at State Fairs are suicidal in nature. Eat at your own risk.
The best way to live an unhealthy lifestyle is to sit and do nothing. Unhealthy lifestyles are on the rise. It is almost as if people take good health for granted. So now it is time to turn an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one!
Achieving your health goals is only as hard as you make it. Sure you require a bit of commitment and will power, but it is as easy as you want it to be. Change is in your hands.
My argument is to do everything you can to change your lifestyle NOW while you are still breathing. When I was told that I had cancer, I quit smoking, cold turkey! I was up to 3 PACKS A DAY. I had wanted to quit, but couldn't. I was sick of the morning coughing outbursts and the fact that my tongue felt like it was a rug. The life and death situation was a game changer. I quit and never went back.
As far as my nutrition, I ate junk with the occasional healthy salad. I lived on cold cuts and put 4 teaspoons of sugar in each of my cups of coffee. I'd eat at least a loaf of Italian bread a day, you know, the one from the Italian bakery that isn't found on the Mediterranean Diet.
In a Seinfeld episode, George ponders the question that if everything he did so far is wrong, then the opposite must be right or true. Perhaps I'm not quoting it, but you get the jest of it. That is where you might see what occurred in my life.
The season of State Fairs are in full swing, and you have been literally WARNED! When it comes to the foods, make no mistake, health is far and in between. I've seen or heard of everything from deep-fried pickles to deep-fried ice cream, but face the facts, the foods at State Fairs are suicidal in nature. Eat at your own risk.
The best way to live an unhealthy lifestyle is to sit and do nothing. Unhealthy lifestyles are on the rise. It is almost as if people take good health for granted. So now it is time to turn an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one!
Achieving your health goals is only as hard as you make it. Sure you require a bit of commitment and will power, but it is as easy as you want it to be. Change is in your hands.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
The Price Of Health
I have this preconceived notion that we are in youth.becoming a healthier society than we were 20 years ago. After all, I wasn't in the best of shape back then and feel I've come along way to get where I am today. Now I found out that obesity is on the increase. As many of us know, obesity leads to other ailments and diseases.
This is why people must start embracing a healthy lifestyle and doing what they can to get active. Most know the benefits of physical activity, but we can all learn something. The major obstacles in exercising is getting started and staying with it. Here are some tips.
The American Heart Association makes recommendations for adult activity. The important thing is to get moving. You can also track your progress.
Here are AHA's links to lead a healthy lifestyle. With obesity on the rise, there is cause for concern since healthcare will be on the rise. If you add smoking and inactivity, one will see their health deteriorate fast. And problems aren't starting at middle age, but rather are increasing at a younger age.
Smoking has been talked to death...literally! Smokers rationalize, deceive, lie, and even find ways to smoke where they aren't allowed. Many smokers have tried everything to quit. From cold turkey to hypnosis, and everything in between, and most go back to the cigarettes. I'm going to keep it simple-one can't quit, unless one WANTS to quit.
There is so much that must be changed nutrition wise for a healthy diet. We have to change what we eat and how we eat. Nutrition is another area that one has to find their niche as to what works for them. It would depend on where you are now and what you want to become. If you give your body the right fuel, everything else will eventually fall into place. Perhaps a topic in upcoming entries, but here are some healthy recipes.
The price of health is costly in that it requires commitment and it takes a lifetime. One area will affect the other eventually. It's OK to fall back, just don't stay there because it gets tougher to get back with age. It gets tougher to splurge during holidays and special events and lose the extra weight as you get older.
This is why people must start embracing a healthy lifestyle and doing what they can to get active. Most know the benefits of physical activity, but we can all learn something. The major obstacles in exercising is getting started and staying with it. Here are some tips.
The American Heart Association makes recommendations for adult activity. The important thing is to get moving. You can also track your progress.
Here are AHA's links to lead a healthy lifestyle. With obesity on the rise, there is cause for concern since healthcare will be on the rise. If you add smoking and inactivity, one will see their health deteriorate fast. And problems aren't starting at middle age, but rather are increasing at a younger age.
Smoking has been talked to death...literally! Smokers rationalize, deceive, lie, and even find ways to smoke where they aren't allowed. Many smokers have tried everything to quit. From cold turkey to hypnosis, and everything in between, and most go back to the cigarettes. I'm going to keep it simple-one can't quit, unless one WANTS to quit.
There is so much that must be changed nutrition wise for a healthy diet. We have to change what we eat and how we eat. Nutrition is another area that one has to find their niche as to what works for them. It would depend on where you are now and what you want to become. If you give your body the right fuel, everything else will eventually fall into place. Perhaps a topic in upcoming entries, but here are some healthy recipes.
The price of health is costly in that it requires commitment and it takes a lifetime. One area will affect the other eventually. It's OK to fall back, just don't stay there because it gets tougher to get back with age. It gets tougher to splurge during holidays and special events and lose the extra weight as you get older.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Coffee Bi-Polar Dilemma
Besides what we hear about wine that is healthy, not healthy, healthy, not healthy, etc., for you, coffee has to be the King of the on again/off again health issues. Coffee has been linked to possibly fighting Alzheimer's, You can Google all the benefits of coffee, but still you do have the negatives about coffee.
The key to the benefits of coffee is moderation. The limit is 2 cups a day, but more than four, may present a problem. Too much coffee might make you blind. That study declares more than three might cause this problem.
Many of us would say that we do keep it at 2 or 3 cups a day. If these cups come from a coffee specialty store, you can double the servings(and the calories!). Your beverages and food might contain caffeine, which may give you a false sense of the bigger picture.
Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may contain caffeine, especially weight loss and appetite suppressant. When it comes to anything healthy, moderation is the key.
The key to the benefits of coffee is moderation. The limit is 2 cups a day, but more than four, may present a problem. Too much coffee might make you blind. That study declares more than three might cause this problem.
Many of us would say that we do keep it at 2 or 3 cups a day. If these cups come from a coffee specialty store, you can double the servings(and the calories!). Your beverages and food might contain caffeine, which may give you a false sense of the bigger picture.
Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may contain caffeine, especially weight loss and appetite suppressant. When it comes to anything healthy, moderation is the key.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Troubleshooting For Your Health
When it comes to our overall health, if we are not reaching our goals, we are possibly doing something wrong. Sometimes we may think we are doing the right things, when in reality, we ourselves are sabotaging our efforts. If we think we are eating right, taking our medications, exercising, yet our cholesterol is still high, maybe we are doing something wrong. Get to know high cholesterol foods.
When it comes to losing weight, different things work for different people. The word "diet" should be used to mean our nutrition rather than being used to mean weight loss. Then there are things that work universally but you have to find your niche.
If you want to live long and healthy, there may be things beyond your control. There's a Longevity Checklist to see if there is anything you can change.
Trouble with your overall relationship with other folks? Maybe you should sharpen your people skills. If you're feeling down in the dumps, try these natural mood boosters.
Nothing can ruin a healthy lifestyle like losing sleep. If that sleeping pill isn't working, don't eat high fat foods before you take it. Ideally you should go to bed on an empty stomach.
When it comes to losing weight, different things work for different people. The word "diet" should be used to mean our nutrition rather than being used to mean weight loss. Then there are things that work universally but you have to find your niche.
If you want to live long and healthy, there may be things beyond your control. There's a Longevity Checklist to see if there is anything you can change.
Trouble with your overall relationship with other folks? Maybe you should sharpen your people skills. If you're feeling down in the dumps, try these natural mood boosters.
Nothing can ruin a healthy lifestyle like losing sleep. If that sleeping pill isn't working, don't eat high fat foods before you take it. Ideally you should go to bed on an empty stomach.
social skills,
weight loss
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Easy Fitness Tips
I really can't say enough about exercising, but it's one of those topics that either you got it in you to do it and stick with it, or you don't. Then there are those who talk about starting someday, and you even have those who sign a contract at a gym and never show up. Exercise is essential and an intense workout at least 3 times a week is needed.
One needs to find the motivation to exercise and to not let the flame go out. Some join gyms and some buy home exercising equipment, but without motivation, neither one will give you your moneys worth. One of the biggest problems with beginners that makes them quit is overtraining. This can also keep veterans away from exercising for months, because they overdo it. Overtraining can also be dangerous to your health.
If you want to burn calories, the intensity of the exercise is what matters. Here are 15 ways to burn 150 calories. If I plan on doing nothing else, I will take the stairs to the 15th floor to my apartment. How about a stretch and tone workout?
Keep in mind that you really don't need a gym to workout. The cost for equipment is affordable. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of dumbbells and 15 minutes to build muscle and strength. Although most people exercise for their outer appearance, we must not forget to exercise for our heart.
The ideal lifestyle is to exercise everyday but to lower the intensity. Three days a week should have weight training. Cardio should be done daily with maximum, moderate, and low intensity alternating days. Eventually our routine should be to maintain our muscles and organs. This comes as we age, where our body has peaked, and the main concern becomes to maintain ourselves.
One needs to find the motivation to exercise and to not let the flame go out. Some join gyms and some buy home exercising equipment, but without motivation, neither one will give you your moneys worth. One of the biggest problems with beginners that makes them quit is overtraining. This can also keep veterans away from exercising for months, because they overdo it. Overtraining can also be dangerous to your health.
If you want to burn calories, the intensity of the exercise is what matters. Here are 15 ways to burn 150 calories. If I plan on doing nothing else, I will take the stairs to the 15th floor to my apartment. How about a stretch and tone workout?
Keep in mind that you really don't need a gym to workout. The cost for equipment is affordable. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of dumbbells and 15 minutes to build muscle and strength. Although most people exercise for their outer appearance, we must not forget to exercise for our heart.
The ideal lifestyle is to exercise everyday but to lower the intensity. Three days a week should have weight training. Cardio should be done daily with maximum, moderate, and low intensity alternating days. Eventually our routine should be to maintain our muscles and organs. This comes as we age, where our body has peaked, and the main concern becomes to maintain ourselves.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Health Journal 2
Welcome to Health Journal 2.
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight, have I got a couple of sites with tools you need. Consider these your texts and workbooks of a healthy lifestyle. I hope you joined My Well-Being and are waiting for, or downloaded, the Well-Being for Dummies book. It is loaded with useful information on My Well-Being's 4 stages of a healthy lifestyle.
Here is a site loaded with information and tools to live healthy. It has a BMI Calculator, a Food Exchange List, a Food and Activity Journal and I haven't even touched the surface. You're probably going to need a BMR Calculator to go with your other toys!
When it comes to the impact of exercise, long, slow workouts are better than short, intense ones. It's better to move all day rather than a couple of times a day.
You should learn to eat seasonal to help your body adjust to the changes. Get to know the seasonal healthy foods. You should find a way to eat healthy.
You can't say enough about boosting your mood. Here are six ways to boost it quick. It's the little things that help you find happiness. Of course there are foods and food preparation that can make you happy. And don't forget exercise or any activity as a mood booster.
Lets not forget the importance of our brains. Start by giving it the proper nutrition it needs to stay healthy. Saturated Fats, not only clog the arteries, but can also hurt the brain. Time to learn the good and bad when it comes to fats. Sounds repetitive but brain health is important. Your brain's best diet!
In health news, due to a computer glitch smokers will not be forced to pay higher insurance premiums. This means that we can expect insurance rates to skyrocket even higher for the rest, including the healthy.
People are living past 90 and their functions are improving. You can read more here.
The battle of the sexes has men as the winners when it comes to weight loss. Women don't despair and try these solutions.
Here are some strange but true health tips.
How far will you go to train? Are you so advance that you can go until you are exhausted? If done right, Crossfit may have extreme results as gymnastics meets Olympic weightlifting. But beware of the downfalls!
Finally, Don't be a Biggest Loser. It seems the show is sending a wrong message and can be dangerous.
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight, have I got a couple of sites with tools you need. Consider these your texts and workbooks of a healthy lifestyle. I hope you joined My Well-Being and are waiting for, or downloaded, the Well-Being for Dummies book. It is loaded with useful information on My Well-Being's 4 stages of a healthy lifestyle.
Here is a site loaded with information and tools to live healthy. It has a BMI Calculator, a Food Exchange List, a Food and Activity Journal and I haven't even touched the surface. You're probably going to need a BMR Calculator to go with your other toys!
When it comes to the impact of exercise, long, slow workouts are better than short, intense ones. It's better to move all day rather than a couple of times a day.
You should learn to eat seasonal to help your body adjust to the changes. Get to know the seasonal healthy foods. You should find a way to eat healthy.
You can't say enough about boosting your mood. Here are six ways to boost it quick. It's the little things that help you find happiness. Of course there are foods and food preparation that can make you happy. And don't forget exercise or any activity as a mood booster.
Lets not forget the importance of our brains. Start by giving it the proper nutrition it needs to stay healthy. Saturated Fats, not only clog the arteries, but can also hurt the brain. Time to learn the good and bad when it comes to fats. Sounds repetitive but brain health is important. Your brain's best diet!
In health news, due to a computer glitch smokers will not be forced to pay higher insurance premiums. This means that we can expect insurance rates to skyrocket even higher for the rest, including the healthy.
People are living past 90 and their functions are improving. You can read more here.
The battle of the sexes has men as the winners when it comes to weight loss. Women don't despair and try these solutions.
Here are some strange but true health tips.
How far will you go to train? Are you so advance that you can go until you are exhausted? If done right, Crossfit may have extreme results as gymnastics meets Olympic weightlifting. But beware of the downfalls!
Finally, Don't be a Biggest Loser. It seems the show is sending a wrong message and can be dangerous.
well being
Friday, August 9, 2013
A Body In Motion
Remaining active and exercising is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. We tend to become obese when we take in fuel(food) and don't convert it to energy(exercise or movement). Sitting around doing nothing will guarantee extra weight.
Exercise gets hard during the hot, humid summer days, because you really don't feel like exercising and don't need the extra sweat. Well there are ways to stay active. The key is do something, even if you have to find air conditioning.
Maybe you want to find out how fit you really are. Take these tests. You will get an idea where your level of fitness is and what needs to be improved.
Many people are using personal trainers that can range from free with a gym membership to over a hundred dollars an hour. If you need one try My Home Personal Trainer. It's online and free. Here's how to become Fab with just 15 minutes a day.
If you are trying to build muscle, here are some tricks to use.
When it comes to exercise you need to find your niche. You do this through trial and error, and change the routine each month to keep challenging your muscles.
Exercise gets hard during the hot, humid summer days, because you really don't feel like exercising and don't need the extra sweat. Well there are ways to stay active. The key is do something, even if you have to find air conditioning.
Maybe you want to find out how fit you really are. Take these tests. You will get an idea where your level of fitness is and what needs to be improved.
Many people are using personal trainers that can range from free with a gym membership to over a hundred dollars an hour. If you need one try My Home Personal Trainer. It's online and free. Here's how to become Fab with just 15 minutes a day.
If you are trying to build muscle, here are some tricks to use.
When it comes to exercise you need to find your niche. You do this through trial and error, and change the routine each month to keep challenging your muscles.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The Forgotten Essential
Although it is the foundation to living a healthy lifestyle, exercise and fitness are often put on the sidelines. The truth is that at least an hour of movement a day is required. At least 20 minutes should be an exercise. We need more verbs to occupy our life or all our health will go downhill quickly.
In our exercise routines, we are not created equal. Women won't get the benefits from men's workouts. Cut it any way you want or can, but movement is essential, especially in exercise. I usually wait until after Christmas to give my opinion on those about to be broken New Year's Resolution. As far as gyms, most are crowded until February!
Would you workout if you got paid? I believe people would dig a tunnel to China if you paid them. Well here's a chance to put your money where your mouth is. Don't workout you pay. Workout and get paid!
Need fitness programs? I have you covered, even without a gym. I also give you foods for your workouts.
The Bottom Line is that exercise is a requirement and procrastination is not an option. I move as much as I can. I try to go to the gym for weight training at least 3 times a week. I take the stairs most of the time. I try to walk at least 10000 steps a day.
Since exercise is a necessity, it will come up from time to time. I may blog about nutrition and even foods that burn calories, but we require exercise. We need muscle to keep us strong and prevent falls and broken bones as we age.
In our exercise routines, we are not created equal. Women won't get the benefits from men's workouts. Cut it any way you want or can, but movement is essential, especially in exercise. I usually wait until after Christmas to give my opinion on those about to be broken New Year's Resolution. As far as gyms, most are crowded until February!
Would you workout if you got paid? I believe people would dig a tunnel to China if you paid them. Well here's a chance to put your money where your mouth is. Don't workout you pay. Workout and get paid!
Need fitness programs? I have you covered, even without a gym. I also give you foods for your workouts.
The Bottom Line is that exercise is a requirement and procrastination is not an option. I move as much as I can. I try to go to the gym for weight training at least 3 times a week. I take the stairs most of the time. I try to walk at least 10000 steps a day.
Since exercise is a necessity, it will come up from time to time. I may blog about nutrition and even foods that burn calories, but we require exercise. We need muscle to keep us strong and prevent falls and broken bones as we age.
workout foods
Saturday, August 3, 2013
The Longevity Of Your Long Life
Is it possible to live to be 100? Your odds are better today than they ever were. The stopper is your diet and lifestyle for the most part. If you smoke, drink heavily, use recreational drugs, have unsafe sex, eat unhealthy, and well you get the message that there are lifestyles that shorten your life.
To look for longevity, one must go where people live long and how they get there. Lets go to Okinawa. We may as well give the statistics to Japan to which Okinawa is a part. Still there is proof that the diet and lifestyle really work. The key is the weight and BMI that comes from healthy eating.
I'm not crazy about tofu or soy so it is out. Although I will not drink cow milk, I have 4 oz. of yogurt daily and cheese occasionally. I also from time to time drink goat's milk.
We really can't change our genes and if our parents didn't give us longevity, we must live as healthy as we can until our death. And there are more than one way to beat the odds. Even Dr. Oz gives a prescription to longevity.
Don't confuse the Okinawa diet with a Calorie Restriction Diet which is more harmful than helpful. You want calories coming from the right foods. Case in point. Just be aware that a real longevity diet may not exist.
Keep in mind that genes and environment may play a role. If people live longest in Japan, it is possibly due to parents passing on their genes to their progeny. What they consume is possibly abundant and fresh in their country. What works for them, may or may not work for you, but that doesn't mean that there won't be benefits and it couldn't hurt. It is yet a step up in your healthy lifestyle goals.
To look for longevity, one must go where people live long and how they get there. Lets go to Okinawa. We may as well give the statistics to Japan to which Okinawa is a part. Still there is proof that the diet and lifestyle really work. The key is the weight and BMI that comes from healthy eating.
I'm not crazy about tofu or soy so it is out. Although I will not drink cow milk, I have 4 oz. of yogurt daily and cheese occasionally. I also from time to time drink goat's milk.
We really can't change our genes and if our parents didn't give us longevity, we must live as healthy as we can until our death. And there are more than one way to beat the odds. Even Dr. Oz gives a prescription to longevity.
Don't confuse the Okinawa diet with a Calorie Restriction Diet which is more harmful than helpful. You want calories coming from the right foods. Case in point. Just be aware that a real longevity diet may not exist.
Keep in mind that genes and environment may play a role. If people live longest in Japan, it is possibly due to parents passing on their genes to their progeny. What they consume is possibly abundant and fresh in their country. What works for them, may or may not work for you, but that doesn't mean that there won't be benefits and it couldn't hurt. It is yet a step up in your healthy lifestyle goals.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Savy Supermarket Health Shopper
Although we try to buy our fruits and vegetables from a farmers' market, the growing season is limited in some areas. Lets face it, we all buy our foods and produce at the supermarkets. If you've adopted a healthy lifestyle it will pay to know how to shop and what to avoid.
The first thing to remember is to shop the perimeter, among other things, because that's where the healthier foods are. That's where you have your produce, meats and dairy. The other aisles should be limited to a few items. Play the interactive Supermarket Game, and learn the importance of healthy eating and shopping.
The food label continues to be a mystery to most people. If your still confused then play the Food Label Game. I guess it wouldn't be complete unless you know your food portions.
The best thing to do when you go grocery shopping is to shop with a full stomach to avoid impulse buying. You should always have a shopping list that fits your needs. Try this one or this one or maybe this one and this one.
Now all you need are recipes.
The first thing to remember is to shop the perimeter, among other things, because that's where the healthier foods are. That's where you have your produce, meats and dairy. The other aisles should be limited to a few items. Play the interactive Supermarket Game, and learn the importance of healthy eating and shopping.
The food label continues to be a mystery to most people. If your still confused then play the Food Label Game. I guess it wouldn't be complete unless you know your food portions.
The best thing to do when you go grocery shopping is to shop with a full stomach to avoid impulse buying. You should always have a shopping list that fits your needs. Try this one or this one or maybe this one and this one.
Now all you need are recipes.
Monday, July 29, 2013
The Omnivore Diet
Through my research and observations, I have developed a lifestyle based on our basic animal instincts. We are mammals and we are, believe it or not, scavengers. Keep this in mind to understand my argument.
To those who believe in being a vegetarian or vegan and to those who believe meats are required for humans and meats and potatoes are the only food groups, well I have a theory for all. We are animals and we are mammals. Our instincts are those of scavengers. Our survival and the survival of our instincts and progeny are what determines our survival skills.
We are not carnivores and we are not herbivores. We are an omnivore and our diet varies. The foods we are capable of eating, aren't always good for you.
My Omnivore Diet has at least one day a week that is meatless. I have sometimes gone as much as four days without meat. My breakdown is as follows:
Red meat...4 servings a month.
Poultry...up to 2 servings a week.
Fish...up to 3 servings a week.
I personally avoid pork as much as possible. All food is prepared by me, and if I eat at restaurant, I try to eat the healthiest foods on the menu.
Vegetables can be consumed in unlimited amounts, or at least 5 servings a day. Most fruits should be limited to 3 servings and not more than 5. Watermelon is the exception.
I consume from 4 to 6 servings of whole grains a day.
I try to eat at least a serving of seeds and nuts on a daily basis, but that doesn't always happen. A serving of beans daily would be ideal. Sweet potatoes or purple potatoes are consumed occasionally.
Dairy I limit it to just a yogurt a day and occasional cheese. I don't consume milk.
This is what works for me. I do on occasions indulge in typical junk food, or go off my daily ritual. Sometimes I do end up paying for it and have to turn up the exercises.
To those who believe in being a vegetarian or vegan and to those who believe meats are required for humans and meats and potatoes are the only food groups, well I have a theory for all. We are animals and we are mammals. Our instincts are those of scavengers. Our survival and the survival of our instincts and progeny are what determines our survival skills.
We are not carnivores and we are not herbivores. We are an omnivore and our diet varies. The foods we are capable of eating, aren't always good for you.
My Omnivore Diet has at least one day a week that is meatless. I have sometimes gone as much as four days without meat. My breakdown is as follows:
Red meat...4 servings a month.
Poultry...up to 2 servings a week.
Fish...up to 3 servings a week.
I personally avoid pork as much as possible. All food is prepared by me, and if I eat at restaurant, I try to eat the healthiest foods on the menu.
Vegetables can be consumed in unlimited amounts, or at least 5 servings a day. Most fruits should be limited to 3 servings and not more than 5. Watermelon is the exception.
I consume from 4 to 6 servings of whole grains a day.
I try to eat at least a serving of seeds and nuts on a daily basis, but that doesn't always happen. A serving of beans daily would be ideal. Sweet potatoes or purple potatoes are consumed occasionally.
Dairy I limit it to just a yogurt a day and occasional cheese. I don't consume milk.
This is what works for me. I do on occasions indulge in typical junk food, or go off my daily ritual. Sometimes I do end up paying for it and have to turn up the exercises.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Super Salads
I'll start off by telling you that there is no healthier salad dressing than vinegar and extra virgin olive oil(EVOO). The vinegars can be red wine, distilled, apple cider, etc., vinegar. For a semi sweetness add more oil. For more bitterness add more vinegar. Lemon juice can also be added or as a vinegar replacement. If you are looking for other healthy dressing options, find them here.
Replace salt with a turmeric, garlic salt, black pepper, combo. These are super spices that combined with greens and vegetables have a super antioxidant affect.
I talked about the greens. If you want to make a heart-healthy salad. Experiment with adding salmon, nuts, berries, beans, and rice. For the grains, try wrapping it in a whole-wheat tortilla, or bake the tortilla and use as chips for a taco salad, with a salsa dressing. I wouldn't recommend that you use all three meats(fish, poultry, lean meats) in one salad, but alternate using the fish as the better choice meat.
Tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, broccoli, mushrooms, will all supercharge your salads. Add onions, bell peppers, hot and sweet peppers, etc., the list is endless.
My suggestion is that if you want to make a salad to fit your needs, such as weight loss or energy, you Google "energy foods" or "weight loss" foods and build your own.
Think you can put together a brain salad? You can even create an aphrodisiac salad!
Replace salt with a turmeric, garlic salt, black pepper, combo. These are super spices that combined with greens and vegetables have a super antioxidant affect.
I talked about the greens. If you want to make a heart-healthy salad. Experiment with adding salmon, nuts, berries, beans, and rice. For the grains, try wrapping it in a whole-wheat tortilla, or bake the tortilla and use as chips for a taco salad, with a salsa dressing. I wouldn't recommend that you use all three meats(fish, poultry, lean meats) in one salad, but alternate using the fish as the better choice meat.
Tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, broccoli, mushrooms, will all supercharge your salads. Add onions, bell peppers, hot and sweet peppers, etc., the list is endless.
My suggestion is that if you want to make a salad to fit your needs, such as weight loss or energy, you Google "energy foods" or "weight loss" foods and build your own.
Think you can put together a brain salad? You can even create an aphrodisiac salad!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 7(The End...for Now)
Beware of NUTITION Bars because they aren't as "Nutritious" as they would have you believe. Sugar and Trans Fat, well you get the picture. Eat a candy bar instead, if you must.
The healthiest salad dressing is simple...extra virgin olive oil and balsamic. red wine, apple cider, distilled, and any other vinegar. Adjust the taste by adding more vinegar or more EVOO-Extra Virgin Olive Oil. But if you have a problem, I think these salad dressings may help. A little secret....when it comes to commercial salad dressings, you want to enforce the portion size.
Start keeping track of the nutrients in your foods. You can make your own Nutrition Facts label by doing this and using this.
We are starting to change our views when it comes to weight loss. I have a BMI of 25, and feel I should drop more weight, but my doctor disagrees. He pointed out that I am muscular and muscle has weight to it. I may be considered overweight on the BMI scale, but I am in optimal health because most of my weight is muscle and not fat.
Peppers are always a Super Food. Hot ones, sweet ones, spicy ones, all good. When it comes to Bell peppers, the brighter the color the more beneficial. A secret to buying Bell peppers is to get the male rather than the female. The red, yellow, orange variety are the most expensive and usually sold by weight. Female peppers are loaded with more seeds inside. How can you tell a female from a male? Look at the bottom of the pepper. Three humps are male and four humps are female.
Start keeping track of your workouts with a workout log. Alternate or change your workouts and routines every three months to continue gaining muscle and losing weight.
Have I talked about cholesterol, yet? Not all cholesterol is bad. Unfortunately, although I eat as healthy as possible, I still need cholesterol controlling drug, possibly because mine is inherited. I'll give my words credibility!
You now can train yourself to be happier. Boost your health with good relationships. Also learn to conquer your everyday stressors.
Whew! I made it! The magnificent 7 days of tips on the healthy lifestyle. I know how you feel by getting bombarded by health advice, tips, resources, tools, and so on, but it is up to you to find what works. What works for me may, or may not work for you. I do believe that mind, body and mood are what makeup a healthy lifestyle. How you achieve it is your niche.
The healthiest salad dressing is simple...extra virgin olive oil and balsamic. red wine, apple cider, distilled, and any other vinegar. Adjust the taste by adding more vinegar or more EVOO-Extra Virgin Olive Oil. But if you have a problem, I think these salad dressings may help. A little secret....when it comes to commercial salad dressings, you want to enforce the portion size.
Start keeping track of the nutrients in your foods. You can make your own Nutrition Facts label by doing this and using this.
We are starting to change our views when it comes to weight loss. I have a BMI of 25, and feel I should drop more weight, but my doctor disagrees. He pointed out that I am muscular and muscle has weight to it. I may be considered overweight on the BMI scale, but I am in optimal health because most of my weight is muscle and not fat.
Peppers are always a Super Food. Hot ones, sweet ones, spicy ones, all good. When it comes to Bell peppers, the brighter the color the more beneficial. A secret to buying Bell peppers is to get the male rather than the female. The red, yellow, orange variety are the most expensive and usually sold by weight. Female peppers are loaded with more seeds inside. How can you tell a female from a male? Look at the bottom of the pepper. Three humps are male and four humps are female.
Start keeping track of your workouts with a workout log. Alternate or change your workouts and routines every three months to continue gaining muscle and losing weight.
Have I talked about cholesterol, yet? Not all cholesterol is bad. Unfortunately, although I eat as healthy as possible, I still need cholesterol controlling drug, possibly because mine is inherited. I'll give my words credibility!
You now can train yourself to be happier. Boost your health with good relationships. Also learn to conquer your everyday stressors.
Whew! I made it! The magnificent 7 days of tips on the healthy lifestyle. I know how you feel by getting bombarded by health advice, tips, resources, tools, and so on, but it is up to you to find what works. What works for me may, or may not work for you. I do believe that mind, body and mood are what makeup a healthy lifestyle. How you achieve it is your niche.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 6
It might come as a shock to some, but organic foods may be misleading. If given a choice, Don't Eat Out! There is no real healthy foods out there, even if they are healthy foods. Get a sort of idea on how to make healthy choices in restaurants. It can't be done. Even when I went to this nutrition calculator the choices I made were always high in sodium.
Another shocker is that those who eat at McDonald's couldn't care less about nutrition.
The sweet potato is a super food that supplies antioxidants and energy, and is no light weight when it comes to benefits. Not a real potato, the sweet potato is related to the morning glory family.
Feeling tired and fatigued? It might be a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Start maximizing your cardio to burn calories. Here are some cardio exercises. Here are more.
Start climbing! Hills, stairs and inclines build stamina and give a heck of an aerobic exercise.
A basic home gym necessity is a dumbbell. Learn how to get a total full body workout!
Another shocker is that those who eat at McDonald's couldn't care less about nutrition.
The sweet potato is a super food that supplies antioxidants and energy, and is no light weight when it comes to benefits. Not a real potato, the sweet potato is related to the morning glory family.
Feeling tired and fatigued? It might be a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Start maximizing your cardio to burn calories. Here are some cardio exercises. Here are more.
Start climbing! Hills, stairs and inclines build stamina and give a heck of an aerobic exercise.
A basic home gym necessity is a dumbbell. Learn how to get a total full body workout!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 5
Today I am going to talk about profiting from the smokers. One need only go here.. If you can't beat the smokers, invest in them!
If you get good nutrition in the morning, you will be full and eat less the rest of the day. Here are filling breakfast foods that defy hunger. Myself, I start with a yogurt. Have either an egg(4 a week) or oatmeal, banana, honey and cocao powder two hours later. Then I eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
Trying to lose weight? Not working? Maybe you're making these mistakes! Does this sound familiar???...
2. Thinking of your diet as a diet. “There is diet fatigue if you go on a diet,” says Curtis. “Most people can stay on a diet about three months and then they are done with it because they can’t stand it.” Instead, focus on making healthy lifestyle and diet choices that you can live with for a long time.
I knew that diet meaning 'weight loss' rather than one's nutrition has a negative affect on weight loss.
For workouts and just everyday health needs, here are some high-protein power snacks.
Bicycles are making a big comeback. Even the exercise bikes. More cities are becoming bike-friendly and are making bike paths throughout their metropolis. The health benefits of cycling are so many that an outdoor bike is essential and if you live in colder winter climates, you might consider an exercise bike, too.
The heavy-hitting super food in the berries category is the blueberry. From fighting cancer to heart support, this is a berry that should be consumed frequently, especially while in season like NOW!
I have been noticing that I can lose weight in a weeks time, but if I consume alcohol, I will gain it all back and then some. I'm talking even a couple of beers. Well no wonder!
If you get good nutrition in the morning, you will be full and eat less the rest of the day. Here are filling breakfast foods that defy hunger. Myself, I start with a yogurt. Have either an egg(4 a week) or oatmeal, banana, honey and cocao powder two hours later. Then I eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
Trying to lose weight? Not working? Maybe you're making these mistakes! Does this sound familiar???...
2. Thinking of your diet as a diet. “There is diet fatigue if you go on a diet,” says Curtis. “Most people can stay on a diet about three months and then they are done with it because they can’t stand it.” Instead, focus on making healthy lifestyle and diet choices that you can live with for a long time.
I knew that diet meaning 'weight loss' rather than one's nutrition has a negative affect on weight loss.
For workouts and just everyday health needs, here are some high-protein power snacks.
Bicycles are making a big comeback. Even the exercise bikes. More cities are becoming bike-friendly and are making bike paths throughout their metropolis. The health benefits of cycling are so many that an outdoor bike is essential and if you live in colder winter climates, you might consider an exercise bike, too.
The heavy-hitting super food in the berries category is the blueberry. From fighting cancer to heart support, this is a berry that should be consumed frequently, especially while in season like NOW!
I have been noticing that I can lose weight in a weeks time, but if I consume alcohol, I will gain it all back and then some. I'm talking even a couple of beers. Well no wonder!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 4
Ever hear of G-BOMBS? Apparently it is great for weight loss and longevity. G-BOMBS stands for greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. I sometimes combine them into one powerful meal. I sautee onions and mushrooms and add various greens such as turnips, beet greens, kale, etc.
I add a bean(pinto, red, kidney, garbanzo, etc.). If they are from a can, I wash them to lower the sodium. The spices I use are turmeric, black pepper and garlic salt. On the side I'll have a variety of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, etc., and I'll either consume some sunflower and pumpkin seeds, or add chia seeds to the greens, beans, onions and mushrooms. I'll do this for a couple of meals a week. Total GBOMBS meal at once, while mixing them with other foods at other meals.
Your cheapest and most beneficial home exercise equipment is a jump rope. Works muscle, burns fat, and pumps the heart.
Exercise not only builds the body, it also helps the mind.
Cut onion tears by lighting a candle when you chop or cut onions. Wash your hands with mouthwash to rid them of the onion smells.
There is new evidence that artificial sweeteners may be getting a bad rap.
I add a bean(pinto, red, kidney, garbanzo, etc.). If they are from a can, I wash them to lower the sodium. The spices I use are turmeric, black pepper and garlic salt. On the side I'll have a variety of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, etc., and I'll either consume some sunflower and pumpkin seeds, or add chia seeds to the greens, beans, onions and mushrooms. I'll do this for a couple of meals a week. Total GBOMBS meal at once, while mixing them with other foods at other meals.
Your cheapest and most beneficial home exercise equipment is a jump rope. Works muscle, burns fat, and pumps the heart.
Exercise not only builds the body, it also helps the mind.
Cut onion tears by lighting a candle when you chop or cut onions. Wash your hands with mouthwash to rid them of the onion smells.
There is new evidence that artificial sweeteners may be getting a bad rap.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 3
It's time to set at least one day a week where no meat is consumed. Although many call it Meatless Mondays, any weekday will do. I have been known to up the ante with up to 3 meatless days in a given week. Needless to say that there are plenty of ideas out there. The health benefits of going meatless can't be denied.
Today's Super Food is Watermelon. I consider the watermelon as a perfect all around foods. Loaded with amino acids it makes a great pre and post workout food. Want to lose weight? Eat watermelon before a meal. Here are more benefits. Find more here, here, and here.
The fat-maker substitutes. I've switched to club soda and seltzer.
Today's essential home gym equipment is the Stability Ball. Here's more. The ball is versatile and can strengthen the core and the upper body.
If you do nothing else today, WALK! It is really the LEAST you can do for your overall health.
Can't say it enough, but stress is a health killer. Nothing can cause more havoc with your physical and emotional being than being overcome with stress. Here are five de-stressing strategies that might help.
Do you suffer from anxiety? There's a diet for that!
Guess who is stressing you out? Get the check-up.
Health and money go hand-in-hand, and when one suffers it has an impact on the other. This proves my point. That's why I started this blog that will help you in the financial department. If you prefer, here's a good one on the topic.
Today's Super Food is Watermelon. I consider the watermelon as a perfect all around foods. Loaded with amino acids it makes a great pre and post workout food. Want to lose weight? Eat watermelon before a meal. Here are more benefits. Find more here, here, and here.
The fat-maker substitutes. I've switched to club soda and seltzer.
Today's essential home gym equipment is the Stability Ball. Here's more. The ball is versatile and can strengthen the core and the upper body.
If you do nothing else today, WALK! It is really the LEAST you can do for your overall health.
Can't say it enough, but stress is a health killer. Nothing can cause more havoc with your physical and emotional being than being overcome with stress. Here are five de-stressing strategies that might help.
Do you suffer from anxiety? There's a diet for that!
Guess who is stressing you out? Get the check-up.
Health and money go hand-in-hand, and when one suffers it has an impact on the other. This proves my point. That's why I started this blog that will help you in the financial department. If you prefer, here's a good one on the topic.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 2
You know that people are happier on Fridays than they are on Sunday. On Friday they anticipate their weekend, on Sunday they anticipate their workweek. Yes people have strange perceptions about what makes them happy.
Super Food of the day: Summer Squash. Find great recipe ideas here, here, here, and here. Lately, I've been on a sauteing kick lately so this one is up my alley. I like sautéing most of my veggies.
How would you like to go on the dark chocolate diet? The chocolate must be cacao. Also it must be eaten sparingly for the most benefit.
Coffee, much like alcohol, keeps being on again/off again when it comes to health. Just like alcohol, moderation is the key. Here are some more benefits of one cup a day.
Exercise tips of the day: Easy exercise tips would be an interest to anybody. The information is priceless.
Must have home exercise equipment: Resistant Bands. These are affordable and you can build your resistance and muscle with easy moves.
I live on the 15th floor and many times I will take the stairs rather than going on the elevator. Until now I only went up. Well it's time to go down, too!
Want to boost your mood? Try these simple solutions.
Whatever you do, don't let them see you sweat tips.
When it comes to the sun, we might like the summer, but too much sun can cause problems from wrinkles to cancer. It takes only 20 minutes to have our fill of daily Vitamin D. Although people shy away from them, there are some excellent self-tanners on the market.
Super Food of the day: Summer Squash. Find great recipe ideas here, here, here, and here. Lately, I've been on a sauteing kick lately so this one is up my alley. I like sautéing most of my veggies.
How would you like to go on the dark chocolate diet? The chocolate must be cacao. Also it must be eaten sparingly for the most benefit.
Coffee, much like alcohol, keeps being on again/off again when it comes to health. Just like alcohol, moderation is the key. Here are some more benefits of one cup a day.
Exercise tips of the day: Easy exercise tips would be an interest to anybody. The information is priceless.
Must have home exercise equipment: Resistant Bands. These are affordable and you can build your resistance and muscle with easy moves.
I live on the 15th floor and many times I will take the stairs rather than going on the elevator. Until now I only went up. Well it's time to go down, too!
Want to boost your mood? Try these simple solutions.
Whatever you do, don't let them see you sweat tips.
When it comes to the sun, we might like the summer, but too much sun can cause problems from wrinkles to cancer. It takes only 20 minutes to have our fill of daily Vitamin D. Although people shy away from them, there are some excellent self-tanners on the market.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Health Week Tips-Day 1
I'm starting a bit of an experiment this week as I give advice and tips about various healthy lifestyle issues. If it works, I'll do it again, perhaps turning it up to a month or even a year. Either way, I'm sure I'll need to streamline it to make it more informative.
Featured Super Food: Kale. Kale is beneficial in so many ways. There's more kale benefits here, here, and finally here. Although it is one of the most beneficial super foods, it comes with a bit of caution:
Kale is very high in vitamin K, known as the clotting vitamin because without it, blood won’t clot properly. If you are taking blood thinning or anti-coagulant drugs, like warfarin (brand name Coumadin), you need to avoid large amounts of kale. Kale’s level of vitamin K — a cup has more than 1,000 percent of the recommended daily amount (RDA) — could interfere with your drugs.
if you’re a kale newbie, don’t go overboard. Too much kale can be hard on the
digestive system. Just ask the New York fashion models who binged on kale to
stay slim and fight off the flu this winter and then had to be treated for
Featured Super Food: Kale. Kale is beneficial in so many ways. There's more kale benefits here, here, and finally here. Although it is one of the most beneficial super foods, it comes with a bit of caution:
Kale is very high in vitamin K, known as the clotting vitamin because without it, blood won’t clot properly. If you are taking blood thinning or anti-coagulant drugs, like warfarin (brand name Coumadin), you need to avoid large amounts of kale. Kale’s level of vitamin K — a cup has more than 1,000 percent of the recommended daily amount (RDA) — could interfere with your drugs.
Kale recipe: My Kale Chips: Toss clean and dry kale with olive oil and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Add cayenne to heat it up. Bake at 250 degrees for 30 minutes. Another variable is to lightly coat them with maple syrup and bake for a sweet treat.
Even if you are doing a lot of walking, don't neglect strength training. More about strength training can be found here.
Featured Home Gym Equipment: Kettlebells. Kettlebells are taking the workout world by storm and may very well replace traditional weights. They are easy to grip and are great for cardio, strength and flexibility training. You should start with a weight of about 10 or less to get a feel for them, before going high. More kettlebell routines here and here.
Mind and Mood
An overall memory improving lifestyle will improve your health in all aspects. There is more information here.
In our hectic lives we are all influenced by stress in some way. More stress reducing tips here and here.
Tip Of The Day
Start your day with yogurt. Instead of buying a cup a day, by a 32 oz. container and divide them into 4 oz. servings which equals 8 days. Buy plain yogurt that is lowest in fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar. If you want to sweeten it add a little maple syrup.
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