Sunday, December 22, 2013

Health Tips and More to Help a Healthy Lifestyle

I'm sure that after the holidays people will start to become healthier again. If you are still living healthy regardless of temptations and less exercise, more power to you. You can never get enough health tips and tricks, especially when you learn something new.

Since we are in winter, it is time to bust those health myths that most of us have come to believe. I knew about cold weather not making you sick, but I was stumped by the lack of sunshine causing depression. Others came as a surprise, and some I knew for years.

Here are some simple health tips for what ails you or can make you healthier. Here are some strange but true health tips. Dr. Oz chimes in. Although it is a strange claim, here are the best health tips EVER!

Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand for health and well being. Nothing like knowing what to eat when you exercise. Protein should be taken within 30 minutes after exercising.

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