It's the cold and flu season!
That time of year when our health gets tested to the extreme as we are subjected to the germs that abound at this time of year. It doesn't help that people infected will still venture out to share their germs. Our best defense is actually preparing ourselves by preparing a healthy immune system.
The simplest thing we can do is to wash our hands. We should also eat well and double up on fruits and vegetables and other immune building foods. Our other best defense is to get plenty of sleep. We can follow tips to shorten a cold duration.
A big must is to get a flu shot. Don't be deterred by the myths about the flu vaccine.
An important immune booster is to stay home if you are sick. My biggest pet peeve are those who go workout at the gym while they hack and cough. Some people can't grasp the concept that you aren't going to get better unless you take care of yourself.
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