Ever hear of G-BOMBS? Apparently it is great for weight loss and longevity. G-BOMBS stands for greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. I sometimes combine them into one powerful meal. I sautee onions and mushrooms and add various greens such as turnips, beet greens, kale, etc.
I add a bean(pinto, red, kidney, garbanzo, etc.). If they are from a can, I wash them to lower the sodium. The spices I use are turmeric, black pepper and garlic salt. On the side I'll have a variety of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, etc., and I'll either consume some sunflower and pumpkin seeds, or add chia seeds to the greens, beans, onions and mushrooms. I'll do this for a couple of meals a week. Total GBOMBS meal at once, while mixing them with other foods at other meals.
Your cheapest and most beneficial home exercise equipment is a jump rope. Works muscle, burns fat, and pumps the heart.
Exercise not only builds the body, it also helps the mind.
Cut onion tears by lighting a candle when you chop or cut onions. Wash your hands with mouthwash to rid them of the onion smells.
There is new evidence that artificial sweeteners may be getting a bad rap.
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