Friday, August 23, 2013

The Island

A failure to any health regiment comes to those who go at it alone. Aside from the fact that one can fail, there is also the danger of getting hurt. It is to your benefit to be safe and involve others in your fitness quest.

Many tend to go at it alone and not see a doctor regularly. I saw a man who didn't believe in doctors and when it came to his overall health, he went at it alone. He took his supplements, ate healthy, and was at the gym everyday for hours. You might say he was a health nut who was obsessed with exercising. He died in the gym, while exercising. Without a doctor, he wasn't aware of any real underlying health issues.

A danger that doesn't seem to hit home judging by the usage is people using pre-workout supplements containing DMAA. I don't doubt that in most workout and sports competitions where someone dies, a pre-workout supplement containing DMAA was involved.

Of course sometimes you have no choice but to go at it alone. But in any case, be safe!

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