In case you haven't seen it yet, nutrition labels aren't actually in the consumer's favor. Manufacturers have found a way to use loopholes to hide their product's hidden "nutrients" that we don't want or need. You have to be a food lawyer to interpret what this label is really saying. I talked about this already.
The sad thing is that the nutrition label is suppose to help us achieve our nutritional goals. But it is very deceiving and has nothing to do with nutrition facts. And although many try, they miss that with a label you include ingredients, too.
I think we are misinterpreting the Sugars and giving them a bad rap. I also believe that a diet of 2000 calories as a model to our nutritional value is deceiving and flawed. When I wrote this I wanted to point out how deceptive labels are and how to cut to the chase.
Sugar isn't exactly a bad thing. Sure it adds to calories, but energy burns them and one can't deny that sugar is energy. Energy can be like a cheetah, quick bursts then drop. You see a cheetah may be the fastest animal on earth, but it can only achieve this for a short period of time. That is how bad sugar works. It peaks and drops quickly. In other words, your energy is short lived.
There are good sugars and bad sugars that supply the good and the bad energy. You want the sugars that run a marathon, meaning pure energy that burns itself out and burns calories. You also must know how to use them to your advantage. You should know your sugar daily requirement and more sugar facts.
Note a healthy sugar: Maple syrup. Don't forget honey. There is also stevia and monk fruit. Stevia may contain alcohol so look for the non-alcoholic variety. I tend to use maple syrup to sweeten certain food. I use about 1/10th of a serving because a little goes a long way.
Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited servings and weight gain is minimal. Legumes are filling and nutritious. Seeds are powerful and promote many aspects of a healthy lifestyle(energy, weight loss, sleep). Fruits are yet the other powerful group, most loaded with sugars that promote weight loss and energy. Calories of these foods usually burn themselves out. The nutrition you get from these foods actually feeds your body both on the outside and inside.
The foods at a farmer's market or produce aisle don't require a nutrition label, ever wonder why? Because you see the ingredient and most would make manufacturers rewrite the label. If the sugar content is high, it isn't a refined sugar. Although some fruits may cause havoc with your teeth, remember to brush afterwards.
Keep in mind that nutrition labels are just a guideline to nutrition. The only things that servings would be of importance is when it comes to fats and sodium, and I'll also include refined sugars. The ingredients are listed in descending order of predominance. So if the second or third ingredient is a sugar, especially a refined sugar, the servings should be enforced because too much can cause weight gain.
More about nutrition labels and how to get the most out of them will be discussed in the future, since data may be changing.
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