Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Workplace Wellness

In an email I received some shocking news that never dawned on me. Spending 40 hours, or more, at work may not be the healthiest of environment. The most germs are found in the break room. The email was from the Cleveland Clinic:
And the award for dirtiest spot in your workplace goes to cafeterias and break rooms. Wash your hands or use sanitizing gel before eating.
Daily Dose
When you think about germ hot spots at your workplace, the last place you probably consider is the break room, where you prepare and eat all your food. Well, we hate to ruin your appetite, but office kitchens and break rooms have even dirtier surfaces than the restrooms. Some of the most germ-infested areas: microwave and refrigerator door handles, vending machine buttons, and the kitchen sink faucet. Wiping down surfaces with cleansing wipes and washing your hands before eating can help keep you safe from germs and minimize your risk of getting sick.
You can bet that I am going to be more careful at work, and possibly eat outside. Your overall health at work tends to suffer, but there are ways to stay healthy at work. There are also ways to have a healthier work life.  Here are some literature and resources you might be able to use on the topic and beyond. Watch for burnout, which leads to emotional eating in women.
Staying healthy at work should be a priority. In winter it is 10 times more challenging to stay healthy. Don't stop washing your hands often, especially after using the washroom. Here are more tips.
To save money and preserve your health, bring your own food. Most restaurants don't rally offer healthy meals and aren't exactly germ free.

Other workplace wellness tips are here.

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