Sometimes I have so much to talk about that I don't know where to put it. It's not really a topic that would make for a well written blog entry, so I give you a variety of useful topics and links. Somehow, I don't think anyone will complain.
How much exercise do you need? That would depend on what you are planning to accomplish. At some point, the exercises should be for maintenance rather than for competition or building bigger muscles.
More and more people are finding homeopathic solutions for what ails them. Natural remedies doctors use to stay in tip top shape. I will be talking about homeopathic solutions in future entries.
Not to be outdone by the on-again/off-again reports of health benefits of alcohol and coffee, a link to health and marijuana has been found. Stay tuned!
It's summer so forget the gym and try these outdoor activities for fitness. While you're at it, keep that heart healthy with these four exercises.
Need health tools? Here's a few that are a must for a healthy lifestyle.
Remember this? Looks like in my assessment I may have missed the carbs in energy.
I have a problem keeping my fruits and vegetables from spoiling just days after I buy them. This can be rather costly. Lucky for me I found this!
If you are still struggling to enter a healthy lifestyle, maybe you should go back to square one. You might need to mentally prepare for it. This involves a mind over body approach.
It looks like there is a Healthy People 2020 project in the government's agenda. The site is rather informative and outlines its goals to bring about a healthy America. So along the same lines, check this site out.
Seems that cash will motivate people to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Fine here's your paycheck:
Quit smoking, save thousands a year on cigarettes. Eat right and exercise, save thousands a year on doctors. Eat healthy foods and eat less, save a few hundred a year. Overall the check can add up to about $5000 in savings a year.
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