Saturday, January 3, 2015

Health Means Nutrition

Nutrition is what sustains our health and fuels our bodies to maintain our existence. What we eat can have a good or a bad effect on our bodies and our overall health. Some foods don't have the nutrients we need for daily health, and may have an effect we want to avoid.

With a healthy nutrition we can get the most from our foods while maintaining a healthy weight and waste. Obesity is on the rise due to poor nutrition and eating habits that people do as a way of life. To start eating healthy requires changing your food and your eating habits.

Most people eat three meals and a couple of snacks everyday. During the meals they consume large amounts of food. Most of the meals aren't exactly healthy. The first eating habit to change is to consume small amounts of food every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Next is to change the food you eat and make healthier choices. You must experiment and find what works for you, especially if you feel some health foods taste awful.

The first food additive to eliminate or cut down drastically is sugar. I use to put over 4 teaspoons of sugar in three cups of coffee daily. I lived on soda and didn't know what water was for years. I was very overweight. I switched to seltzer for the soda, and stevia for the coffee. I began to lose a lot of weight. Another additive to cut down on is sodium. Mostly the one found in processed foods such as deli meats and canned foods.

When it comes to nutrition, sometimes all it takes is a change in your nutrition environment.

Experimentation with certain foods can make even the dreaded become delightful. Nutrition has so many aspects to it. In future blogs on the topic I will take on other aspects of healthier food choices.

An important warning to all that sometimes eating too healthy can be hazardous. Orthorexia is a term you may want to familiarize yourself with. An occasional unhealthy food is OK as long as you exercise and eat mostly healthy.

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