Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Paleo Diet

The concept of the Paleolithic diet, or Paleo for short, comes from an idea of going back to our cavemen ancestry diet and nutrition. I see so many problems with this, but lets look at the claims and the pros and cons. My guess is that cavemen ate meat raw that they probably found already dead. I believe they would forage more than hunt.

So lets get an idea of what a Paleo diet consists of. Look at the foods you can and can't eat. It's worth taking a close look at the foods that are banned. I would think that a caveman would consume legumes and grains.

When I looked for the tell tale health sign of life expectancy, I found arguments that cavemen lived to an adult age and others that argued that they did not live past 25. Here is a breakdown that says it depends on what side of the Paleolithic era the caveman was born.

Still there are too many arguments against the diet. So if you are thinking of going on this type of nutrition be aware of the pros and the cons. I personally believe in eating in moderation and sticking to what works for you.

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