Saturday, November 14, 2015

Breakfast Of Champions

Weight loss begins with breakfast. Nutrition is a key to weight loss and weight maintenance, so I will emphasize breakfast ideas that will help you achieve this health endeavor. Want to lose and maintain weight? Lets talk breakfast ideas to start your day.

Within a half hour from waking, you should consume your first meal. Meal of choice: yogurt! Plain yogurt to be exact. So by now many will be turned off by the plain yogurt, but ALL other yogurts will be high in dreaded sugars. Add a small amount of maple syrup to your yogurt and the sweetness becomes intense. Pure maple syrup is maintained energy rather than spiked energy that comes from refined sugars.

Within two hours of your first meal, will be your next meal. I suggest 3 alternatives. Cereal, Oatmeal, or Eggs are my favorites. Cereal of choice is Fiber One. Add blueberries and this cereal becomes a powerhouse of needed nutrients and antioxidants.

To turn oatmeal into a delicious healthy powerhouse, combine banana, powdered cacao and honey to it. Eggs can be hard boiled and added to avocado with sea salt, black pepper, sriracha sauce, lemon juice and hunger will elude you for a good part of the day.

Seeds, nuts and fruits are powerful snacks that can be used for weight loss. These should be consumed within two hours of your above meal. Your morning meals are effective when you start with a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Mental Health Edition

Our mental health is perhaps the most important factor of our overall health. When we procrastinate, and put things off, we lack the motivation to get and stay healthy. That is fairly a minor implication of our daily lifelong struggle with our mental health.

The most devastating mental health battle may come as we age, even if we have led a happy life and healthy life. Alzheimer's is something you might not have any control over. The good news is that we are making great strides towards the battle against Alzheimer's and dementia. Still it remains a mystery and continues to show signs of being a major problem within 20 years. Alzheimer's prevention can help and anything is better than nothing.

Spotting dementia is another issue but goes hand-in-hand with Alzheimer's. In case you need to care for someone with this issue, the caregiver guide might help. A dilemma comes when a doctor sees it coming but can't stop it. The brain is a muscle and needs mental exercise. Start at the memory quiz and start doing puzzles, sudokus, and any brain tease trivia you can find!

Depression is a strange mental health issue. Many people have it and don't know it. The depressed person isn't always a 'downer' because many upbeat and social people may be depressed, too. I could get into my college psychology classes, but as Bob Dylan said, "...times they are a changin'." Once called Manic-Depression, today it is known as bi-polar. M-D was confusing because there were 2 types. You were either Depressed or Manic. The Manic were the upbeat and talkative side of the depression.

When it comes to depression, here are tips to be happy. Habits can affect your mental health.

When it comes to happiness, you have it figured out if you're a Swiss, Icelander, Dane or Norwegian!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

You Can't Always Rely On BMI

I have been maintaining my current body weight range for the past 3-4 years. If it fluctuates it is within a 5 pound range. My BMI is over 25, so I should be classified as overweight. Lucky for me, my doctor doesn't buy it. I am very athletic for my age.

Among other things, BMI can't calculate fat or lean tissue. Solid muscle can weigh just as much as fat or more. This is why many people are misdiagnosed on their BMI calculation. When I did lower my BMI, although I was still muscular, I appeared to be anorexic. Now I can take back every comment I made about actresses that appeared to be anorexic!

Doctors have a better way to predict your future health and longevity, that is a much better calculator of one's overall health than BMIs. It's all about your handgrip strength. Building strength in your grip and rest of the body, can actually save you in your golden years by helping avoid falls and making it easier to lift yourself.

If longevity is part of your healthy lifestyle, here are a few strategies to add a couple of decades to your life.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nutrition-Main Factor To Weight Loss

The argument over whether nutrition or exercise is the main factor to losing weight has been debated for decades. The best conclusion I've heard about the topic is here. Through exercise alone it would take us hours of hard exercises to burn off our caloric intake.

Both, nutrition and exercise, are important to losing and maintaining weight, but nutrition is the key. If one is obese, it may be hard or dangerous to get up and start exercising. Exercise tones your outside while keeping things moving on the inside such as circulation and digestion, to name a couple.

The key factor that worked for me was to adjust my eating habits and eating healthier more satisfying foods. I needed to reprogram my body when it came to nutrition. Although I eat healthy, I reserve a couple of days when I'm allowed to have what I call "junk" foods. The key to doing the latter and making it work is to make sure you return to healthy regiment the next day.

A key to nutrition and weight loss is to begin the day with protein as the main source of your food. Yogurt with hemp seeds give you a quick 25 grams of protein. Protein is energy and takes longer to digest and keeps you fuller longer.

I pace my meals between 2 or 3 hours apart, they are smaller more filling meals. On days I workout, I usually have an egg after my workout. Mid morning is usually fruit of some kind and maybe some sort of vegetable. For lunch, I usually have an animal or vegetable or both protein source. My mid afternoon food is a source of whole wheat  such as pasta, quinoa, etc.

My final meal of the day is usually a salad or vegetable, and sometimes some cheese and whole wheat crackers. Of course there are exceptions to this schedule as things may change to add variety or because I occasionally indulge!

One little known secret to weight loss is that you have to let your food digest before you go to sleep. So I eat nothing at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

If you eat the right foods you will find that your energy level will increase and exercising will enter the weight loss equation naturally. Eat slowly and don't eat until your full, because once you feel full, you have actually over eaten.

Another thing I learned to do is cook my own meals and make even food that I find not very tasty, into a mouth watering meal. Avocados, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc., which I once couldn't stomach, I now eat in abundance. You have to experiment and find a way to make food tasty and healthy for yourself without using store bought dressings, syrups and other things that turn healthy into a dietary nightmare.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

For The Health Of Money

I was torn by whether to write this post here or in my financial blog. This is about how staying healthy can help out your wallet's health, too. Here are ways to get healthy on the cheap. According to the article, the one thing exercise can't fix is weight loss. I have been saying that for years, because your caloric intake on food is what will help you lose weight. Exercise will help you tone up. I started seeing weight loss when I finally started eating healthier.

To those who don't understand the implication of that statement, it means that your eating habits determine your weight. I always worked out throughout my life. Weight loss wasn't easily achieved no matter what I did. Once I started eating healthier, over time I lost 85 pounds!

Although I believe that paying for a gym membership keeps me motivated, I hope to save the $150 a year membership. That is relatively cheap as far as memberships go, and I do get my moneys worth. I'm hoping to start using Isometric training into my routine and eventually wean myself off the gym. More information here.

Of course there are other ways to get your exercise without a gym. More ideas for no gym workouts just keep on coming. The bottom line is that whether or not you belong to a gym, as long as you are exercising, you are doing your overall health a lot of good. With good health comes less illnesses, less doctor's visits, longevity, well being, etc., all that help out your finances.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Muscle Nutrition

One of the main goals in being healthy is to build, sustain and maintain muscle. We all know how essential exercise is to accomplish this. But what about when it comes to muscle nutrition, are we eating the right foods to reach our goals. Although protein may be the main nutrient to muscle health, it isn't the only one!

There are many articles about muscle nutrition. Here, here, and I could go on. Foods that contain creatine are a big muscle booster. Don't forget the amino acids.

There are plenty of muscle foods out there, so I came up with my own top of the picks that I eat daily, but especially when I work out. In no particular order: poultry, turkey, sea food, ground beef especially bison, goat, lamb, venison. These are my animal choices. Asparagus, watermelon, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, avocado, eggs, brussel sprouts, beans, beets, potatoes, lentils, quinoa, oatmeal, and I can come up with even more.

As we age, we need to maintain our muscle and nutrition is a big help.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Brain Diet

Science is finally getting with the times and perhaps the secret to fighting off Alzheimer's and Dementia may be in our diet. The determining factor may be to maintain an ideal weight, which can also ward off diabetes and heart disease. It seems that if you combine the Mediterranean and DASH diets may lead to the MIND diet.

What this says is that your overall weight is what will determine your overall health. I've been an advocate that eating the right foods, along with exercise and sleep, will maintain your weight naturally. This is why I believe that if you adopt an overall healthy lifestyle, the foods that benefit you will come naturally without a specific diet.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nutrition Journal

When it comes to healthy nutrition you can consult a dietician or doctor, or you can see what works to reach your goals. Your nutrition could be based on the easiest diet or even a top rated diet, but when it comes to nutrition, people aren't getting healthier. We need to go back to basics and eat healthy by having a variety of foods.

Diet myths that we adhere to are probably what is keeping us from our success. If we change our habits, we might see a change.

It's a shame when after a long belief that your food is healthy, imagine finding out that it's not. I have always limited my dairy intake, especially when it comes to milk. Our poultry is being fed antibiotics, thus making us resistant to antibiotics. The other information is right on, too.

Brain Preservation Diet

Best food combos for weight loss

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fitness Resources

The results are in and weights are more effective than cardio when it comes to stomach fat. My personal opinion is that weights should be in all exercise routines throughout our lifetime, even if we have to drop some of the weight we lift as we get older.

Walker Tracker is a program that can help you track your steps and develop a walking program. It also lets you join challenges to motivate yourself. Both for businesses and individuals.

Hot Cal allows you to track your fitness and calorie progress. It uses interactive charts and graphs.

HeiaHeia is a fun way to keep fit by tracking your progress and getting encouragement from your friends.

FitnessSyncer synchronizes all your fitness apps in one place. It also offers its own notebook to cover data that isn't covered in your apps.

FitLink is a fitness community with a variety of resources along with the help of likeminded individuals.

Ask The Trainer has exercise videos, a fitness library and nutrition information.

Your one stop fitness portal should be ABC-Of-Fitness. Other sites with fitness resources to help you get motivated to exercise are The Daily Burn, Workouts For You, and iTRAIN.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Staying Motivated To Exercise

If you made a resolution to get in shape, my hope for you is to stay motivated and reach for that goal. The benefits you get from  exercise may surprise you. Still too many people have the good intention to exercise, but begin to lose it at some point. Some sign up for a gym membership and others buy their own equipment. Both eventually start to gather dust.

Usually what happens is that you do too much from the start. You know you overdid it, if you are sore and no longer look forward to exercising. Fitness is a skill and it takes knowledge and motivation.

If you want my opinion, I'd say save your money, for the most part, until you are sure you can stay motivated. Gyms are hopping with people signing a contract for a 1-3 year membership, that will prove costly to get out of before the term. See about monthly contracts that may be a few dollars more, but will save you in the long run. Always make sure you can have at least one complimentary workout, before committing to anything.

Home equipment can be costly, but save you from a gym membership in the long run. The problem with home gyms is that they take away the motivation to the point that you start procrastinating and end up not using the equipment.

If you haven't thought about it, think kettlebells for strength and core. A pull up bar will tone the arms and the back. Both are inexpensive and very effective. Climb stairs, buy or rent a bike, walk, run, jog, do yoga, pushups, etc., any activity counts as long as you stay motivated. Start slow and take one baby step at a time. 

Make sure you consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

In closing, don't stop trying even if you lose your motivation for whatever reason.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Health Jornal 16

This first journal of this year is highly informational on fitness and nutrition issues. Health also involves mental health and winter is known to cause Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD).  In the future this blog will talk more on your overall health including mental health.

Yo-Yo Dieting is a revolving health trap that can wreck more havoc to your health than keeping the weight. The tips are useful as a guide to end the cycle.

When it comes to Powerhouse Vegetables I'm pretty much ahead of my time. I've always enjoyed vegetables and learned to appreciate even the most dreaded ones.

I also am ahead of the Powerful Superfoods game. I consume some daily and some occasionally.

Heart Healthy Foods can keep the ticker ticking. Along with exercise, nutrition plays a role in keeping the heart beating healthy.

It seems you can Train Your Brain to crave healthy foods.

Still The Best, the Mediterranean Diet is the most beneficial on so many levels.

All about Whole Grains can be an informative introduction on the confusing "whole" products.

Nutrient Shortfalls are a way of life in our daily diets.

If your New Year's Resolution was to lose weight, why not Get Paid To Lose Weight?

If you are exercising and losing muscle, even though you may think you're doing everything right, you could be making Mistakes Costing You Muscle Tone.

Morning is the best time to exercise. There are Tricks To Make Morning Workouts Easier for those considering it.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Health Means Nutrition

Nutrition is what sustains our health and fuels our bodies to maintain our existence. What we eat can have a good or a bad effect on our bodies and our overall health. Some foods don't have the nutrients we need for daily health, and may have an effect we want to avoid.

With a healthy nutrition we can get the most from our foods while maintaining a healthy weight and waste. Obesity is on the rise due to poor nutrition and eating habits that people do as a way of life. To start eating healthy requires changing your food and your eating habits.

Most people eat three meals and a couple of snacks everyday. During the meals they consume large amounts of food. Most of the meals aren't exactly healthy. The first eating habit to change is to consume small amounts of food every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Next is to change the food you eat and make healthier choices. You must experiment and find what works for you, especially if you feel some health foods taste awful.

The first food additive to eliminate or cut down drastically is sugar. I use to put over 4 teaspoons of sugar in three cups of coffee daily. I lived on soda and didn't know what water was for years. I was very overweight. I switched to seltzer for the soda, and stevia for the coffee. I began to lose a lot of weight. Another additive to cut down on is sodium. Mostly the one found in processed foods such as deli meats and canned foods.

When it comes to nutrition, sometimes all it takes is a change in your nutrition environment.

Experimentation with certain foods can make even the dreaded become delightful. Nutrition has so many aspects to it. In future blogs on the topic I will take on other aspects of healthier food choices.

An important warning to all that sometimes eating too healthy can be hazardous. Orthorexia is a term you may want to familiarize yourself with. An occasional unhealthy food is OK as long as you exercise and eat mostly healthy.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Health Means Fitness

If I was going to pick one thing that contributes the most to a healthy lifestyle it would have to be exercise and fitness. Exercise has the power to regulate us if we overeat and can also do a lot for our mental health. So when it comes to overall health, exercise is its foundation.

Start by becoming an exercise addict. Now is the time to discipline yourself and get motivated to move for at least a half an hour daily. Workouts are best first thing in the morning, but anytime is acceptable.

Know the foods and drinks to avoid before your workout.

Start keeping track of your fitness by writing it down. An online fitness tracker is a useful online tool that offers health, nutrition and fitness training.

You should always change your routine from time to time to avoid a fitness plateau. Here are some suggestions to break through a plateau.

Start the year off right when it comes to fitness. Making exercising fun may make you want to move.

Happy Healthy New Year! 2015