Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nutrition-Main Factor To Weight Loss

The argument over whether nutrition or exercise is the main factor to losing weight has been debated for decades. The best conclusion I've heard about the topic is here. Through exercise alone it would take us hours of hard exercises to burn off our caloric intake.

Both, nutrition and exercise, are important to losing and maintaining weight, but nutrition is the key. If one is obese, it may be hard or dangerous to get up and start exercising. Exercise tones your outside while keeping things moving on the inside such as circulation and digestion, to name a couple.

The key factor that worked for me was to adjust my eating habits and eating healthier more satisfying foods. I needed to reprogram my body when it came to nutrition. Although I eat healthy, I reserve a couple of days when I'm allowed to have what I call "junk" foods. The key to doing the latter and making it work is to make sure you return to healthy regiment the next day.

A key to nutrition and weight loss is to begin the day with protein as the main source of your food. Yogurt with hemp seeds give you a quick 25 grams of protein. Protein is energy and takes longer to digest and keeps you fuller longer.

I pace my meals between 2 or 3 hours apart, they are smaller more filling meals. On days I workout, I usually have an egg after my workout. Mid morning is usually fruit of some kind and maybe some sort of vegetable. For lunch, I usually have an animal or vegetable or both protein source. My mid afternoon food is a source of whole wheat  such as pasta, quinoa, etc.

My final meal of the day is usually a salad or vegetable, and sometimes some cheese and whole wheat crackers. Of course there are exceptions to this schedule as things may change to add variety or because I occasionally indulge!

One little known secret to weight loss is that you have to let your food digest before you go to sleep. So I eat nothing at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

If you eat the right foods you will find that your energy level will increase and exercising will enter the weight loss equation naturally. Eat slowly and don't eat until your full, because once you feel full, you have actually over eaten.

Another thing I learned to do is cook my own meals and make even food that I find not very tasty, into a mouth watering meal. Avocados, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc., which I once couldn't stomach, I now eat in abundance. You have to experiment and find a way to make food tasty and healthy for yourself without using store bought dressings, syrups and other things that turn healthy into a dietary nightmare.

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