Monday, November 25, 2013

Alcoholic Benefits

I feel that I should start by saying that every time we talk about the benefits of alcohol, we need to point out that moderation is the key. If you were to consider alcohol a medicine, you can understand why too much can be harmful. If the benefit is one or two drinks a day, four won't be beneficial to us. Skipping a day or two does not mean you can drink more to make up for lost time. Much like taking medications, this can be dangerous.

Alcohol is good for so many aspects of your health. Cancer, colds, and other illnesses you would never have thought of can be prevented with alcohol. Alcohol also has the benefit of improving your sex life.

Again, alcohol is like a prescribed medicine. Too much can kill the benefit and may also lead to an overdose.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thus It Begins

We are now entering the holiday season where a healthy lifestyle is put to its greatest challenge. It is the time when we over-indulge and under-exercise!

There are ways to have a guilt-free holiday. I won't fill my plate and I won't go up for seconds. I'll continue to eat as healthy as I can on days that aren't holidays. I'll avoid many of the office parties.

Most importantly, I'll continue to keep my gym routine and perhaps do a few more exercises.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Great Health Site

I can guarantee that you are going to love Health Tap. It's a new site with apps for smart phones and androids that puts over 50,000 doctors at your disposal to answer any question about your health. From prescriptions to symptoms to other concerns about your health, you can ask a doctor directly and get an answer.

They even show how many lives have been saved by Health Tap.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Energy Exercise Metabolism and More

There are so many factors associated with exercise, we can only touch on a few of them at a time. Sometimes it's tough to reach goals because we lack energy, have a hard time with certain muscles, or even end up with sore muscles to name a few.

If you need to shape and tone trouble parts, you can start here for certain muscle groups. Arms, legs and abs can always use an extra bit of attention.

A low metabolism can stop your weight-loss and other exercise program. Here are ways to help you boost your metabolism and increase energy.

Sore muscles go with the territory when it comes to exercising. Stretching before and after can help as can flax oil and Omega 3s. When it comes to injuries, it's not if but when they will occur when it comes to exercise. You may as well prepare yourself.

So little time and so many exercises for a variety muscles. Now you can name your target and your time available, and let this app set up a workout for the target part and time available.

Never underestimate the power of walking when it comes to your overall health. An hour walk or 10000 steps a day will help meet any health goal. There still are easy exercises you can do that don't require a gym.

Monday, November 11, 2013

'Tis The Season

It's the cold and flu season!

That time of year when our health gets tested to the extreme as we are subjected to the germs that abound at this time of year. It doesn't help that people infected will still venture out to share their germs. Our best defense is actually preparing ourselves by preparing a healthy immune system.

The simplest thing we can do is to wash our hands. We should also eat well and double up on fruits and vegetables and other immune building foods. Our other best defense is to get plenty of sleep. We can follow tips to shorten a cold duration.

A big must is to get a flu shot. Don't be deterred by the myths about the flu vaccine.

An important immune booster is to stay home if you are sick. My biggest pet peeve are those who go workout at the gym while they hack and cough. Some people can't grasp the concept that you aren't going to get better unless you take care of yourself.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Health Journal 5

Obesity is now the No. 1 cause of death in the US. Although we are seeing a slight decline among preschoolers, obesity may still reach epidemic proportions. Obesity, much like smoking, leads to other health problems which can range from diabetes to cancer.

I find it shocking that there are those who are shocked that heart-attack and stroke victims don't change their habits. I've seen many that continue to smoke while hooked up to oxygen. It has also been found that sugar may be a major factor for heart disease and strokes.

The debate over which is the healthier water, bottled or tap, continues. The result is that health wise they are equal. Bottled water uses plastic bottles and costs money. Tap water can taste better with a filter, but is otherwise practically free. Speaking of beverages, get to know your best bets.

My time at the gym is well spent these days. Of course, I may have to change a few routines since they are a complete waste of time. While I'm at it, I'm also going to start working on the exercise myths I have adhered to all this time.

Sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle. We should get at least 7 hours a night to be in optimal health. Here are sleep tips for seniors that can benefit us all. Sleep health is an important factor to leading a healthy lifestyle. Find more about sleep, sleep remedies and problems here, here, here, and here. See if you're getting enough quality sleep by taking this quiz.

Nutrition labels should be to help the consumer, but are still a confusion of loopholes that benefit the manufacturer. I will continue to give the heads-up any time I receive new information such as this on the deceptive labels.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Word About Produce

Produce is perhaps where most of our healthy nutrition comes from. Their colors are mirrors into what health benefits they provide. You may understand the produce's benefit but it is also helpful to know if these benefits are better raw or cooked. Knowing how to get the most benefit from produce is always helpful.

When it comes to produce, it is a good idea to know your healthy greens and whether to go organic or not. Not to mention the foods you should buy organic. If you're on a low-carb diet, there are vegetables and fruits for that.

Vegetables, fruits and other produce is what you should be eating more of. Fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses. Much more needs to be said about produce nutrition since the benefits are too numerous to count.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nutrition and Weight Management

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, body maintenance comes from nutrition and exercise. As far as nutrition goes, we should keep track of our portion control. Without watching our portions we may risk overeating and gaining weight. Here are ways to manage your weight both through nutrition and other easy methods.

When it comes to maintaining your weight, we all dread the plateau. Along with what was suggested, there are foods that may help.

Protein is the main nutrient to building and maintaining our bodies. Too much protein can lead to kidney failure. Get to know how much protein is too much.  I suggest a bit more protein intake on days you workout. You can indulge in a protein pizza!

Something that should be cut to a bare minimum in our nutrition is salt. Environmental Nutrition gives the following ways to cut your salt intake:
1. Cook at home more often.

2. Focus on whole, minimally processed foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, chicken, legumes and dairy products.

3. Don't automatically add salt, even in recipes that call for it.

4. Flavor foods with herbs and spices.

5. Enhance flavors with garlic, lemon and vinegar -- ingredients that allow the natural flavors of foods to shine without added salt.

6. Watch out for condiments. Soy sauce, mustard and barbecue sauce can push up the salt totals.

7. Keep portion sizes in check.

8. Compare product sodium levels by reading the labels. Different brands can have much different amounts of salt. If a product contains 5 percent Daily Value or less for sodium, it's considered a low sodium food, 20 percent DV or higher means it's a high sodium food.

Another aspect of nutrition that was mentioned elsewhere is understanding the importance of calories, to say the least. Here are food choices that are filling.

The topic of nutrition and weight will come up again in the future.