Weight loss begins with breakfast. Nutrition is a key to weight loss and weight maintenance, so I will emphasize breakfast ideas that will help you achieve this health endeavor. Want to lose and maintain weight? Lets talk breakfast ideas to start your day.
Within a half hour from waking, you should consume your first meal. Meal of choice: yogurt! Plain yogurt to be exact. So by now many will be turned off by the plain yogurt, but ALL other yogurts will be high in dreaded sugars. Add a small amount of maple syrup to your yogurt and the sweetness becomes intense. Pure maple syrup is maintained energy rather than spiked energy that comes from refined sugars.
Within two hours of your first meal, will be your next meal. I suggest 3 alternatives. Cereal, Oatmeal, or Eggs are my favorites. Cereal of choice is Fiber One. Add blueberries and this cereal becomes a powerhouse of needed nutrients and antioxidants.
To turn oatmeal into a delicious healthy powerhouse, combine banana, powdered cacao and honey to it. Eggs can be hard boiled and added to avocado with sea salt, black pepper, sriracha sauce, lemon juice and hunger will elude you for a good part of the day.
Seeds, nuts and fruits are powerful snacks that can be used for weight loss. These should be consumed within two hours of your above meal. Your morning meals are effective when you start with a combination of protein and carbohydrates.