We all know how important oral hygiene is in a healthy lifestyle. Dental hygiene is a healthy practice that can prevent major problems including heart disease. You might want to avoid the mouthwash regiment because it can actually raise your blood pressure. A study that found that mouthwashes were beneficial included the ingredient chlorhexidine, which is not available in OTC mouthwashes in the USA.
Winter isn't over yet, and you can build a strong immune system through your nutrition. Yes, the magic powers of foods is coming to life. What can't foods prevent?
Since February is Women's Heart Health Month, maybe we should eat for a healthy heart.
Foods can even help one manage their diabetes.
When does good healthy nutrition go bad? Well we don't really talk about it, but gas comes to mind. Now you can know the food culprits and how to rectify the problem.
I am not a cereal consumer and don't really recommend or endorse them. If you are trying to lose weight and crave the traditional morning cereal, get the best ones!
Foods communicate with us through their colors. They signal their health benefits to our overall well-being. And their colors communicate their benefits to us. It might be to your advantage to learn the health benefits of the rainbow!
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