Monday, October 21, 2013

Breast Cancer Update

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are advancing in the fight to eradicate breast and ALL cancers in our lifetime. Science is advancing and many beliefs about breast cancer are becoming folklore and myths. There is new research that all women need to know about breast cancer.

The key to beating cancer is knowledge. Breast cancer is a topic whose time has come. In case most don't know about it, breast cancer also affects men.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fitness and Motivation

When it comes to exercising, I can't say enough. It is a requirement if one is pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Moving helps us maintain our weight and benefits our overall health, particularly the heart. Exercise has other surprising benefits.

Starting an exercise regiment can be a challenge for those unprepared. When you're starting out, begin by finding the right exercise program for you. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help or use a personal trainer. They're free with most gym memberships. You should always remember to warm up before you start exercising.

Keep a journal and keep track of your fitness exercises and routines. This will give you an idea of what works. Make sure you consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. Start slow and don't just jump in, otherwise you might get discouraged.

Exercises don't have to be hard and some are so easy, a couch potato can do them. There are even ways to exercise at work. If you are lacking in motivation, maybe you should consider buddying up!

Interval exercise, where you alternate bursts of intensive effort with more relaxed ones, can benefit your weight, heart and lungs.

Our overall health relies on exercise as being part of the formula. There is no magic formula to avoid this aspect. We should strive to engage in some form of activity each and everyday.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Health Journal 4

If a fruit is defined as a structure of a plant that contains its seeds, how good are you at naming your fruits? Find out here.

Caffeine is an addiction when we need it for energy and a way to boost us for a wake-up/pick me up. For those of us looking for caffeine alternatives, there are ways to boost your energy with alternative ways.

Refined sugars should be avoided as a whole. High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as bad, but the industry continues to make it out to be a natural source of sucrose, but avoids talking about the problems with HFCS as a name-change is on the horizon.

On your workout regiments, it is important to take into consideration what you eat before and after your workout. Protein is the key, but the intake can surprise you. For me, aside from protein drinks, yogurt is a pre-workout and an egg is a post-workout nutrition. Here are some unusual pre- and post-workout snacks!

More and more, I am considering the power of yoga when it comes to overall health. Eventually, so will you!

Although it is a no-brainer, your best tool in weight loss is your scale.

Gym? What gym? You don't need a gym to work-out.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Paleo Diet

The concept of the Paleolithic diet, or Paleo for short, comes from an idea of going back to our cavemen ancestry diet and nutrition. I see so many problems with this, but lets look at the claims and the pros and cons. My guess is that cavemen ate meat raw that they probably found already dead. I believe they would forage more than hunt.

So lets get an idea of what a Paleo diet consists of. Look at the foods you can and can't eat. It's worth taking a close look at the foods that are banned. I would think that a caveman would consume legumes and grains.

When I looked for the tell tale health sign of life expectancy, I found arguments that cavemen lived to an adult age and others that argued that they did not live past 25. Here is a breakdown that says it depends on what side of the Paleolithic era the caveman was born.

Still there are too many arguments against the diet. So if you are thinking of going on this type of nutrition be aware of the pros and the cons. I personally believe in eating in moderation and sticking to what works for you.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Bad Health Addiction

Our biggest addiction that is detrimental to our health is sugar. Refined sugars are the worst and are more addicting than cocaine. Refined sugar along with High Fructose Corn Syrup are leading to obesity, diabetes, and so many other health issues to be discussed in future entries.

Sugar is energy and the right sugars can give sustained and stable energy. The refined sugars spike then drop energy in an unhealthy way. Too much of any sugar can still be unhealthy because they can still have an impact on dental health and sleep.

If only you knew how much sugar you really consumed you might want to really cut down. Good sugar substitutes are maple syrup, stevia, honey, monk fruit, and agave. I'm sure there are others that I may have left out, but when it comes to sweet, much like sour, a happy medium must be established.